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  • Nippers

    Felt sorry for them running as even before 9 a.m. it was extremely hot. Our autumn temps are hotter than most of our summer ones were this year.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Great set Gabby ..... love all the different poses in #2
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


    • #3
      #2 for me as well.

      I reckon it's good to see them out running in the heat as it might toughen them up a bit. Many kids are soft as butter these days.
      Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


      • #4
        Thanks Barb and Mick. Gee you're a tough guy Mick. Actually I think it's more the helicopter parents to blame than the kids. Even schools don't allow so much in case the little darlings hurt themselves - or more likely that the parents threaten litigation.


        • #5
          They are certainly a colourful lot!


          • #6
            Yep couldn't miss that fluro pink


            • #7
              Oh I wasn't blaming the kids Gabby, I agree with you re the helicopter parents. Some friends of mine wont let their kid (11 year old) walk or ride a bike the 1.5kms to school and I mock them (the parents) without mercy.

              Now the kid complains if Dad picks her up in the work ute rather than the late model Prado lol!
              Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


              • P Plates
                P Plates commented
                Editing a comment
                And then they wonder why their teenagers/adult children have no common sense.

            • #8
              Nice and colourful outfits, only their face will get the sun. I think it's good they are out in it because as a surf life saver you have to be out in the extremes of the sun and like Mick says, toughen them up.
              I have never heard the term 'helicopter parent' before but I have known a few over the years. We have a helicopter grandparents at the school .. but their granddaughter has a form of Autism but still I feel they are way too smotheringly helicopter ish lol.
              My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro


              • #9
                Yep usually seems to be one extreme to another nowadays - either hover continuously or completely ignore them.

