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  • Its Christmas time so what does a toy tog do ? (toy nudity warnings) :D

    So its Christmas time I love Christmas I thought I would do a Christmas serious these are just for to start with


    Click image for larger version

Name:	bruce baby santa copy1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	97.7 KB
ID:	331101


    Click image for larger version

Name:	bruce brat and baby copy.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	115.0 KB
ID:	331102


    Click image for larger version

Name:	bruce brat and baby santa copy.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	144.5 KB
ID:	331103


    Click image for larger version

Name:	bwlk-copy.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	42.5 KB
ID:	331104

    I know that one is not Christmas but as some of you might know I also fell in love with Low key B&W that has not changed and thought to myself I like to be different so just because toy photography is what I am doing why can't I still do Low key
    Last edited by Nikkie; 09-12-2011, 06:25 PM.
    All Experts at anything were once beginners

    MWAH Sandy

  • #2
    Pretty cool Sandy. Nice to see something a little different every now and then.


    • #3
      Good stuff there. I think Barbie would have been more suited only because the Bratz doll head is bigger than her mans head and Barbie would be of similar size. However I like your creativity., quite funny to see.

      Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
      My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro


      • #4
        Mick yes you need to have a good imagination on board for this type of work.

        Anna I agree. I don't have a barbie and trying to avoid buying one due to that young women's reputation but really I grab what I can on Ebay its a good time of the year to buy as you have parents clearing out the kids toy box's to make room for new toys to take there place and hoping to get a few extra $s in the process to help with Christmas I picked her up for a buck plus free postage most of the toys I get have been non bids and a few minutes to go so I grab myself some bargains I don't spend a lot of $s at all except for my baby dolls that I have started to collect but that is different I guess. Toys are very sell-able even pre loved and the hospitals and charities are in my mind when I don't need them any more if that time ever comes. but yes I do need to get myself a small head doll.
        All Experts at anything were once beginners

        MWAH Sandy


        • #5
          This is your best work yet! i love it. so quirky and crazy. hits my bezerk strings perfectly haha.
          Its not paranoia if everyone is actually watching you
          MY Flickr
          Scotty's Place


          • #6
            Scottu thanks I think no really thanks a lot glad you enjoy them. I am working on more as we speak so if not later tonight tomorrow sometime thanks to all again
            All Experts at anything were once beginners

            MWAH Sandy


            • #7
              Ohhhh WOW Sandy, gotta love your imagination - I like how you have put these together and this is just sooooo different and original. I'm interested to see where you go from this. I like how you think outside the box.
              We have a great op shop here which is unbelieveably cheap, maybe where you are going there will be a good one for toys, and looking at your backgrounds, you can get free stuff all over the net, I even do backgrounds in my 3D programs lol, you could make some exotic and quirky Christmas cards .

              My Gallery
              My Flickr Gallery


              • #8
                Thank you Jenne hey good to see you again gee its great to be back. Yes I love toys and always have gee I used to get teased for playing still playing with dolls at the age of 11 so from 11 or so I played with them when no one else was around except for my mum. My use to say if you enjoy playing with toys you do so its your life. I guess she would have much rather liked that as a mum as other girls started liking boys not toys
                All Experts at anything were once beginners

                MWAH Sandy

