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  • Got the boot articulated and ready for aluminium sheet now.
    Australian Wildlife Photographer

    Barry Armstead Photography
    ASIGN Observatory II


    • Right shin done. A few mods to do before transferring templates onto aluminium.

      Australian Wildlife Photographer

      Barry Armstead Photography
      ASIGN Observatory II


      • I've had a bit of time at night to get a fair bit done with all this rain.

        Funny thing is, I've printed all this off at the default scale for a 6-foot tall male, even though I'm 6'2". All this gym work I've been hard at for the last few months seems to be paying off as the suit is smaller than my last but I seem to fit into it perfectly - especially my midriff which has trimmed down a lot from my middle-aged spread.

        Building in cardboard is a brilliant precursor to sheet metal, as it's shaping properties are similar, being semi-rigid and prone to buckling if you do it wrong.

        Australian Wildlife Photographer

        Barry Armstead Photography
        ASIGN Observatory II


        • Today I've been working on the thigh. Perfect fit. Obviously it's cardboard so distortion will always happen when you put it on and move around, but once it's done in aluminium it won't be difficult to get each part aligned permanently.

          Australian Wildlife Photographer

          Barry Armstead Photography
          ASIGN Observatory II


          • So... I've now got a bit of a hybrid prototype happening here. Fibreglass and filled upper, one leg paper hardened with firbreglass, but no filler, some foam for the neck and ribs, paper cod with no fibreglass, one foam boot and a complete leg and boot in cardboard. Looks like the cardboard is a winner for speed, budget and great templates for transferring to an entire aluminium suit.

            Last edited by Barry; 05-06-2014, 11:25 PM.
            Australian Wildlife Photographer

            Barry Armstead Photography
            ASIGN Observatory II


            • Chest and back inner-brace done.

              Last edited by Barry; 05-06-2014, 11:30 PM.
              Australian Wildlife Photographer

              Barry Armstead Photography
              ASIGN Observatory II


              • Collar plates done.

                Last edited by Barry; 05-06-2014, 11:30 PM.
                Australian Wildlife Photographer

                Barry Armstead Photography
                ASIGN Observatory II


                • Australian Wildlife Photographer

                  Barry Armstead Photography
                  ASIGN Observatory II


                  • Cod piece done and added to the rest.

                    Australian Wildlife Photographer

                    Barry Armstead Photography
                    ASIGN Observatory II


                    • Cardboard showing me already where I will need to expand, modify or trim a few things before cutting out aluminium templates.

                      Australian Wildlife Photographer

                      Barry Armstead Photography
                      ASIGN Observatory II


                      • Back armour almost done. It's nearly 2 am though so it's time for some zzzzzzzzzzz.... I'll see if I can finish it tomorrow.

                        Australian Wildlife Photographer

                        Barry Armstead Photography
                        ASIGN Observatory II


                        • For those of you who have been asking how I am going to colour my aluminium Iron Man suit, I won't be painting it - I will be anodising it. Here is a sample.

                          Back assembled. This was actually way easy to put together. I was dreading it thinking it was going to be complicated.

                          Australian Wildlife Photographer

                          Barry Armstead Photography
                          ASIGN Observatory II


                          • Back all painted up. I know it's only cardboard, but will still finish up as a nice statue while I build the aluminium one.

                            Australian Wildlife Photographer

                            Barry Armstead Photography
                            ASIGN Observatory II


                            • Neck seal assembled.

                              Chest and back fitted together with brace and neck seal, collar plates, abs and cod.

                              Australian Wildlife Photographer

                              Barry Armstead Photography
                              ASIGN Observatory II


                              • 1. All the bits for the helmet cut out ready for folding and gluing.

                                2. Helmet partially assembled. Too tired to finish it tonight.

                                3. Helmet assembled and painted the next morning.

                                4. Faceplate assembled.

                                5. Faceplate and helmet. I've got some shaping to do to make it all symmetrical.

                                6. Helmet on torso.

                                Australian Wildlife Photographer

                                Barry Armstead Photography
                                ASIGN Observatory II

