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  • My 366

    I started doing 365 last year and this year it's 366 due to a leap year. I've missed about 3 or 4 days so far. That's good going since we are past the 250th day.

    I'll add a few of the more interesting pics from a few days ago and then stay in order.

    My 15yo son is in Navy Cadets and plays the bass drum. For Maritime Day in Fremantle the cadet unit did a few marches. Was a good day out and proud of my boy cos he's a lazy bugger otherwise.

    244 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

    5yo Eve decorated the mug for Fathers Day at school. My girls also helped make these memory boards and with Sunday trading in WA in it's second weekend ... we nicked off to Spotlight for some supplies. Who knew I would appreciate Sunday trading !!!

    245 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

    Hubby made the original RC Navy ship 15yrs ago when my boy was either unborn or just a little toddler. Hubby being on four months long service leave decided to strip it down and redo it.. The hull is a mould he bought but the rest is balsa wood, plastics, anything that is suitable. Have taken it for a sail on the water, first attempt it needed something to help it balance .. and with some tools .. ya know those things you put on another thing to unscrew bolts etc. (good description I know) .. it's now balancing well on the water.

    246 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

    Was my birthday last Tuesday .. met up with some friends at The Dome ...but was such dodgy weather.. wild, windy, ..plain old stormy. Got to have a lovely chat with my good friend back in Sydney and while chatting it absolutely pelted down (as I sat in the car) .. came over really grey. Anyway this is a montage of the days photos. crap weather, friends, Safety Bay jetty, b'day with the family with traditional photo and pic of cards n pressies.

    247 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

    A montage of my 5yo Border Collie X Lab Matilda and 18yo Millie the Manx and using my new Sigma 50mm 1.4 bought from Scotty.

    249 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

    $5 bunch of Daffodils from Woolies

    250 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

    My friends newly adopted fluffbag Shep. He's a Shepherd (of some sort) x Poodle. Adorable temperment.

    251 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

    This is taken with my new p&s .. hubby and his model boat in the water just to the right under that house.

    252 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr
    Last edited by millicat; 13-09-2012, 01:26 AM.
    My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro

  • #2
    Some nice photos Anna. A lazy son - how unusual - my youngest just moved out to share a flat with a mate, would love to be a fly on the wall watching him ironing. Apparently when he first moved in and was cleaning up after cooking, yes actually cooking, his mate asked if he was one of those clean freaks, causing his father and I to roll about laughing. Hope you had a nice birthday. Shep's a cutie, love dogs with hairy faces. Must be like a taste of retirement having hubby home for 4 months. Are you still moving to sunny Qld shortly?


    • #3
      Re: My 366

      Thnx for looking, I am keeping a list on my phone of reasons why I don't think my son is ready to leave school after yr 10. Little things like not seeing he has made a mess after making his breakfast. Common sense stuff.
      Yep we are still moving to Cairns. Finished updating the inventory and submitted it for our last Commonwealth paid move. Pet transport/kennels booked.

      Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
      My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro


      • #4
        I admire you Anna taking on a 365, I am struggling some weeks to even keep up with a 52 project!! Good on you and keep going because it is great so far!
        Never make the same mistake twice, there are so many new ones, try a different one each day


        • #5
          Anna - good to see you are still there.

          Happy birthday - mine was on Tueday 11/9 as well.
          An Olympus E620 user


          • #6
            Lloyd .. I'm lucky I've been a stay at home mum these past two years .. but this year I should have got my butt into a job and now we are moving at the end of the year, that's my excuse plus have had to be hubbys driver to and from work at his beckon call as he has no license to drive. Next year will be the real challenge when I do have a job. I think the 366 is a great way to document life. Even the 52 challenge .. it's how you want it to be, is it about photography or events in your life so that you can look back with some fond or not so fond memories. I have two photobooks (from Albumworks) of my 365 and am creating the first one for my 366. They will be great to look back on.

            Terry .. Happy birthday to you too .. mine was 4 Sept. .. the week before. Hope you had a good day with the family.
            My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro


            • #7
              Here are a few more.
              Some extras for my birthday ..mum sent the tea towel she picked up while holidaying ...Iceland !

              253 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

              This is the daddy strawberry .. it was huge ! My Galaxy S2 for size comparison

              254 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

              Just dropped my son off at Navy Cadets and took this with my p&s .. looking towards the grain terminal at Kwinana ...

              255 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

              Eve took her dad in for 'community workers' week at pre-primary. As he is on long service leave he didn't wear his cams (DPNU's) and also had a city appt that morning so had to rush off. Took his hat in though.

              256 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

              Two doves come scooting around our back patio .. my youngest 7yo cat thinks it's torment as he watches from inside and does that noise cats do when watching birds lol.

              257 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

              Took this photo of the Daisy at the local lakes while hubby sailed his boat. I gave it a 'digital scrapbooking' look and think it looks pretty good. Oh and I used the new Sigma 50mm 1.4 for the photo.

              258 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

              Freckles I found up in the pantry which I put out of sight out of mind 2 weeks ago.

              259 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr
              My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro


              • #8
                You're certainly getting a lot out of that lens! Well done on perseverring with your project - I bet you've learned heaps!
                Life is short, smile while you still have teeth .....


                • #9
                  That is a monster strawberry and like the processing of the daisy Anna.


                  • #10
                    Im glad i get ur updates on flickr! you always have some cool stuff on there1.
                    Its not paranoia if everyone is actually watching you
                    MY Flickr
                    Scotty's Place


                    • #11
                      Thnx for looking and commenting. It's all so random .. and hopefully meaningful or to trigger the memory with in years ahead.

                      Here's a few more.
                      I was in the laundry about to do the vacuuming but went out to the small patio and saw a bee walking on the ground, so went to get my camera .got a few shots of the buzzy then it walked into a web .. of all things it's a Red Back Spider so I kept going. Not great by any means but still interesting to see.

                      260 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

                      Parent/teacher evening for my 5yo at pre-primary. Yep the eldest two look so enthusiastic but I wanted them to come and so did Eve. They actually coped really well with no complaints ..

                      261 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

                      Using my p&s again ..took this of the sunset at Point Peron.

                      262 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

                      Something decent with my DSLR this time lol. Beautiful tree of blossoms around the corner from my house so I got the camera out and shuffled around.

                      263 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr
                      My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro


                      • #12
                        Here's yesterdays ... It was wild stormy weather here in Rockingham WA and since we can't get Matilda's kennel out the back (path down side of house is too narrow), she sleeps on a frame bed on the patio .. and stormy weather needs to come in depending on the direction of the rain. Anyways this was the scene as I read my 5yo Eve two stories last night. Bailey hanging out with Matilda at the doorway. 18yo Millie cat has her round bed in the corner of the room to the left ..not in the picture. I take Matilda to Better Pets & Gardens to the dog wash facility there and pay $10 to get her all nice and clean smelling.

                        264 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr
                        My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro


                        • #13
                          Congratulations to you Anna for keeping up with your 366, I bailed after 2 months I think it was. It is so interesting to see snippets into your life and you will love looking back on these in some year's time, specially the kids and pets and your current lifestyle. I like all of them and your scrapbooking is really nice and your montages too. Well done you!

                          My Gallery
                          My Flickr Gallery


                          • #14
                            Way to go Anna and you have done nice work with these all great
                            All Experts at anything were once beginners

                            MWAH Sandy


                            • #15
                              Thnx for all comments .. I appreciate them
                              Here are more.
                              Eve decided to do the weather and that day we had the sun out, rain and clouds.

                              265 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

                              An Australian Ringnecked Parrot taken at a park near my friends house. He was getting leftover bread.
                              I use my phone, my compact or my DSLR for my photos.

                              266 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

                              Harrington Waters lake .. while hubby was playing about with the RC Navy ship.

                              267 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

                              Each year the kids do Dancesport .. ie learn some dances and pre-primary did their final one for the parents. That's my Eve ! all other kids are smudged out for obvious reasons.

                              268 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr

                              My almost 16yo son Kalen. He actually let me photograph him. It didn't turn out as well as expected so .. flicked it to b&w lol.

                              269 of 366 by ladymilli's stuff, on Flickr
                              My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro

