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  • Amanda

    I was working on directional lighting with this shot.

    I am hoping to get more into glamour/boudoir type shoots.

    Would love thoughts on this.

    Please take everything I say with a grain of salt. YOU loving your work that's all that matters

  • #2
    OK, I'm not huge on portraits, but my first thought was where is the top of her head. It seems to blend in too much with the dark background.
    2ndly, the tatt, I assume it is a tatt, probably needs to be at the forward of her body, not the rear. Ie, she needs to turn the other way. The way it is it just looks like a mark on her skin. Or Cover it up.
    The hair on her face is causing some shadows.
    And the shadow of her nose is not doing anyyhing positive for her.

    I like the pose for th nude, as it's giving a raunchy, but I'm not telling all look.

    Hope that helps. Sorry it all seems negative.
    D7100, SB700. PS CS5, LR 4.4 - Flickr


    • #3
      My main thought on this when I saw it on your website was that I felt the shadow on her face were too harsh and dark. I really like the idea and I only shoot natural light so am no where near an expert.

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