I had an hour or so to spare tonight after archiving a lot of pics to a second hard drive, and this prompted me to have another look at the old Maddie beach shoot and have a play with some previously untouched images. The original shoot had some colour balance issues ex camera, so there's a fair bit of PP on these to get them (close to) right. One just had to have the B&W treatment.
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Maddie at the Beach - revisited
(Grumpy old fart with some Nikon stuff)
www.aslanimages.com.au https://www.facebook.com/AslanImagesPhotography -
Nice stuff, amazing to think they weren't you original pick of the images. Really like the posture you've used in 2.Nikon D800 D300 D90 24-70 70-200 300F4 105 50 70-300VR 16-85VR SB900 SB600's MBD10, Tamy 90 http://sentimentalphotos.com.au/gallerys/index.html
We shot bucket loads of images, so there was a wealth of stuff to choose from and I'm still finding gems.
We actually hired a houseboat and spent the best part of two days in a quiet bay on the Hawkesbury to do the shoot in a relaxed fashion.
#2 is one of my favourites too.Andrew
(Grumpy old fart with some Nikon stuff)
www.aslanimages.com.au https://www.facebook.com/AslanImagesPhotography