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  • Anzac Day march and rememberance ceremony

    G'day all

    I joined several thousand others on a fine sunny morning to pay homage to our military stalwarts who have returned from one war or another, and be with them as they remembered fallen comrades

    I decided to go into 'photo-journalist' mode and actually approach people and talk to them before asking to take their photos. During the march obviously I couldn't do it, but before & after I did so. Here's some of the results

    1- Flags on parade

    exif- Panny FZ-200; f3,2 x 1/2000s; 170mm [film camera equiv]; ISO-100

    2- This delightful old fella headed the main part of the parade

    exif- Panny FZ-200; f3,2 x 1/2000s; 500mm [film camera equiv]; ISO-100

    3- Waiting for his mates to arrive

    exif- Panny FZ-200; f3,2 x 1/60s; 240mm [film camera equiv]; ISO-200

    4- Just part of the crowd before the march

    exif- Panny FZ-200; f3,2 x 1/250s; 270mm [film camera equiv]; ISO-200

    5- Getting out of the sun once it's over

    exif- Panny FZ-200; f3,2 x 1/160s; 620mm [film camera equiv]; ISO-100

    6- Spectators one and all

    exif- Panny FZ-200; f3,2 x 1/200s; 100mm [film camera equiv]; ISO-200

    As always - feedback welcome

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at

  • #2
    Some thought provoking images there Phil. Makes me wonder what each of them's story is. # 5 is especially good, plenty of separation with that wide aperture combined with the long focal length.
    Cheers, Brad.


    • #3
      Beaut set Phil. #5 for me too.


      • #4
        Thanks Brad & Greg

        Although I've had the FZ-200 for some time, I have never really explored its lens at max aperture capabilities. It's not often one gets a crack at a 600mm x F2,8 lens !!!
        Like most of my 50-yrs of photo training, I go for the so-called 'sweet-spot' where the best corner to corner sharpness is about 3 stops down from fully open ... thus about F5,6 to f8 for most of us.

        > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
        > recent images at


        • #5
          Wonderful images Phil. I suppose you'll be doing some more shots at 600mm and 2.8.
          I Shoot A Canon

          Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
          I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
          I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Isac View Post
            Wonderful images Phil. I suppose you'll be doing some more shots at 600mm and 2.8.
            Yeah mate ... might just do that [tho I notice that Greg has now got an FZ300 {same lens} too] > we might end up having a 'competition'
            > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
            > recent images at


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ozzie_Traveller View Post

              Yeah mate ... might just do that [tho I notice that Greg has now got an FZ300 {same lens} too] > we might end up having a 'competition'
              Yes Phil I've had the FZ300 a couple of years now and use it as my 'grab and go' camera. Having mainly an interest in nature and wildlife I tend not to do much people photography particularly with this camera. I can see by your work that it would be more than capable.

              I was surprised today when I did a lunchtime walk at the Arboretum as I usually do, to get a shot of a Yellow Rosella which was a good 50 metres+ away using the FZ300 at 1200 mm equiv.

              As you would know the zoom from 600 to 1200 mm is an enhanced digital zoom and only a function when shooting JPEG (which I do 99% of the time). I'll put the shot up elsewhere so as not to detract from your images in this thread.

