#2 does it for me, just the model focused and no distractions. #1 and #4 shadows very distracting - maybe put some distance between the model and background. #3 has a very busy background and takes emphasis from the model. I'd clone out he black strip behind her raised arm in #3 and above her head in #4. Only my opinion though. I know they cost more but for this type of work you may consider an IPS panel. Check this out: ASUS VC279H 27-inch IPS-LED Monitor.
I Shoot A Canon Web: isacimages.com / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
will look in to a new monitor, when i put the images on another computer, my laptop or tv, they seem a little over done yet on my editing computer they are ok
Not much wrong with the specs pembo. I couldn't use a monitor that big but test it out before you buy. Under $300 seems like a bargain. Does it swivel to portrait?