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  • WOMAD dancers

    From a dance performance by the Australian Dance Theatre at WOMADelaide recently.


    My indecision is final, I think.

  • #2
    Thats Nice Charles, I scrolled up and cropped the sign above the young ladies head and wow. IMO anyway. Cheers TFS


    Really hope you don't mind Charles Ilike that photo so much I needed to play a little.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_9592_cr.jpg
Views:	46
Size:	45.4 KB
ID:	421385
    Last edited by Pete; 20-04-2016, 12:27 AM.
    If you wish to Learn first learn silence.
    Cheers Pete.


    • #3
      Beaut use of the available light Charles. What shutter speed?


      • sejac
        sejac commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks Greg. They warned us that the main light would be very harsh. So as I usually do, I set the exposure for the highlights and used manual setting.

        1/125th, ISO 400, f4. Used my Canon 16-35mm and this shot was at 35mm.

    • #4
      Nicely done......the b/w is very dramatic.


      • sejac
        sejac commented
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        Thanks for the kind comment Bill.

    • #5
      Good one Charles - not sure about the dancers lying on the stage though - looks a bit untidy, but they complete the balance I guess

      D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

      Flickr Instagram


      • sejac
        sejac commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks Alan. I haven't done much dance photography. It's so random and getting a reasonable shot is tricky. Plus, we were asked to stand well to the side of the stage, as they were videoing the performance. A world premiere apparently. So it was luck that the main dancer came over to my side to do her stuff.

        I was thinking that the untidy dancers on stage did add to the balance of the shot. Can't win them all.

      • Alan
        Alan commented
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        I understand why you included the legs - it's just that my eye keeps getting drawn away from the dancer. You did well under the imposed circumstances.

    • #6
      Originally posted by Pete View Post
      Thats Nice Charles, I scrolled up and cropped the sign above the young ladies head and wow. IMO anyway. Cheers TFS


      Really hope you don't mind Charles Ilike that photo so much I needed to play a little.


      Thanks for your interest Pete. Your comments are always welcome.

      My indecision is final, I think.


      • #7
        Bring a broom and sweep them off the stage next time.
        I actually like them... great backdrop to the dancer with the killer legs. She is so compelling you could have a streaker on stage and I wouldn't notice.
        Haven't been there, not done that.


        • sejac
          sejac commented
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          Thanks for the comment Jo.

          I was certainly fortunate to be in the right place at the right time!

          I hadn't noticed the killer legs. Thanks for pointing out. (Have to go now. Those flying pigs are back!!)

        • Pete
          Pete commented
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          He hadn't noticed THE LEGS!!!!!! Did you catch them there Pigs.

      • #8
        As mentioned, I agree the dancers on the floor add the required balance - I just think some extra processing might put the focus back on the main subject?

        But then I'm a bit addicted to playing in PS too much, so just tell me to pull my head in Charles

        The lens you used is not going to give the shallow dof to isolate the subject at the distance you were forced to shoot from.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Dancer.jpg
Views:	65
Size:	80.9 KB
ID:	421445

        D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

        Flickr Instagram


        • sejac
          sejac commented
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          Nice work Alan. Very effective, compared with the original.

          I hadn't thought of that. Thanks for taking the trouble.

          I'd better go before Bella sees it.

      • #9
        you know i live in Adelaide but never think of going to these events.......must be getting to bloody old .. again great work

