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  • Sunday stroll ....

    Going to go out on a limb here and 'assume' they have been together or known each other for quite a while ..... both are wearing dark shoes, light pants, blue and white shirt, his hat is similar in colour to her hair, and they are almost in step ...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20141026-P1350807.jpg
Views:	70
Size:	392.6 KB
ID:	395361

    Perhaps the younger ones have more to say than the previous older couple I posted. Perhaps they haven't 'said it all' as yet.
    Silence can be a wonderful thing .... if both 'are on the same page' ...... not so much fun if only one seeks peace and quiet and the other continues to 'waffle on' ....

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20141026-P1350844-22.jpg
Views:	72
Size:	120.3 KB
ID:	395362
    Last edited by Sully; 27-10-2014, 02:13 PM.
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"

  • #2
    How did you find a couple of young ones not looking into their phones?


    • Sully
      Sully commented
      Editing a comment
      There weren't many young ones around, period ..... saw a couple of 'oldies' on their phones tho .....

  • #3
    We cannot always assume, upon seeing a male in 'low risers', that they are young'uns ...... this gentleman would be well beyond young adulthood ..... I reckon his belt is a good 5"- 6" below where it should be ... he even has the bottoms turned up .... not sure where the logic is in that ...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20141026-P1350893-2.jpg
Views:	74
Size:	151.3 KB
ID:	395405
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


    • seaslug
      seaslug commented
      Editing a comment
      Perhaps his belt had to clear the camera controlls!

  • #4
    Girls 'day out' in Beechworth .... doesn't appear that much shopping has been accomplished .... maybe they just hit town ... I wonder if they have had lunch, it is 12.20pm - did they eat at the Beechworth Bakery? (we did) ....

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20141026-P1350800.2.jpg
Views:	75
Size:	154.1 KB
ID:	395461
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


    • #5
      Interesting photos but my fave is the guy with the low risers lol. Who knew the older generation could pull off such a style lol.

      Should have gone up to him "excuse me, your belt must be broken cos your pants are falling down" lol.
      My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro


      • Sully
        Sully commented
        Editing a comment
        lol Anna

        I can't imagine that they are comfortable to wear like that ..... thank goodness he didn't sit down in front of me .... lordy knows what would have been on show then .... *eek*