Going to go out on a limb here and 'assume' they have been together or known each other for quite a while ..... both are wearing dark shoes, light pants, blue and white shirt, his hat is similar in colour to her hair, and they are almost in step ...

Perhaps the younger ones have more to say than the previous older couple I posted. Perhaps they haven't 'said it all' as yet.
Silence can be a wonderful thing .... if both 'are on the same page' ...... not so much fun if only one seeks peace and quiet and the other continues to 'waffle on' ....
Perhaps the younger ones have more to say than the previous older couple I posted. Perhaps they haven't 'said it all' as yet.
Silence can be a wonderful thing .... if both 'are on the same page' ...... not so much fun if only one seeks peace and quiet and the other continues to 'waffle on' ....