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  • First time model shoot with first time model

    These are some shots i did with a friend who helped me out one night, to see what shooting models was like. I had two soft boxes and that's it(room light too)no make up artist and a room full of family and friends, it was pretty good fun.
    pretty happy with my first attempt. I have now realised how much setting up is involved. looking forward to the next one, when ever that will be.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0668.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	108.3 KB
ID:	329278
    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0680.1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	67.0 KB
ID:	329279
    A guy who is loving all things beer, food and photography, from Western Australia

  • #2
    Pembo, I like the art deco'ish processing on the first one a lot.
    Gotta watch chopping off bits (elbow for example) in the first.
    I gather the lights were at 45 degrees left and right approximately? When shooting headshots with folks with straggly hair on the sides of their faces I tend to go with a light just to right of camera and above and another around 90 degrees left to minimise hair shadows on the face.

    It takes along time to get a handle on portrait lighting (I'm slowly getting there) and having mates to practice on is the answer.

    Great stuff for a first effort and I look forward to seeing more.

    (Grumpy old fart with some Nikon stuff)


    • #3
      Thanks Andrew, i can see what you mean with both images, the advise much appreciated, the lighting was about 45 either side. Might look at getting one more for the front(or even a flash set up of some sort as the flash i as using was off the camera and not defused. thinking of what style of portrait i want to do next. your advice will be helpfull
      A guy who is loving all things beer, food and photography, from Western Australia


      • #4
        I'd focus on just doing headshots to start with (subject to availability of willing victims of course).

        Two flashes are enough if you are not into a blown white background.

        Off camera right at around 15deg wide and 15 deg high and shooting downwards slightly is a good place to start. Second flash 90 degrees left and horizontal.
        With this setup you will get even light and importantly, only one set of eye catchlights (two looks weird to me).
        You have to watch for shadows under nose and chin if the model looks downwards too much, but you really want them head up slightly as this is usually more flattering for females.

        Seriously though, its all about trial and error and finding what works for you.
        With powered strobes f12ish iso100 and between 125 and 160 second will give good results, adjust flash power to suit. Its a good starting point anyway.
        With battery flashes you're probably safer to open up the aperture and use less power. They dont like being cycled hard at full power and I've killed a pair of expensive Nikon flashes over doing it.

        (Grumpy old fart with some Nikon stuff)


        • #5
          I was thinking of head or bust high type shots for the next shoot. thanks again for the advise. getting pretty keen now with all this talk
          A guy who is loving all things beer, food and photography, from Western Australia


          • #6
            Some more attempts at portraits, this time the misses

            Click image for larger version

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Size:	82.7 KB
ID:	317652
            Click image for larger version

Name:	shell04.jpg
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Size:	79.3 KB
ID:	317653
            A guy who is loving all things beer, food and photography, from Western Australia


            • #7
              THat second shot. if you replaced the background with black it would make that pop. Mind if i try and do that for you?
              Its not paranoia if everyone is actually watching you
              MY Flickr
              Scotty's Place


              • #8
                Good stuff pembo, nice even light distribution and I see you've used a two light setup with the primary right front. Rectangular softbox on the front one?

                (Grumpy old fart with some Nikon stuff)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Scottymc View Post
                  THat second shot. if you replaced the background with black it would make that pop. Mind if i try and do that for you?
                  go for it Scottymc !
                  A guy who is loving all things beer, food and photography, from Western Australia


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by aslan View Post
                    Good stuff pembo, nice even light distribution and I see you've used a two light setup with the primary right front. Rectangular softbox on the front one?
                    Yeah spot on Andrew, second soft box light to the right. I took your advise on making on light source 15degress or so to help eliminate to much shadow, the flash is with a defuser aimed at the roof, a spare of the moment shoot as the misses wanted a new profile pic on facebook , looking to get another flash and an umbrella soon too! (i already have the remote flash receiver etc)
                    A guy who is loving all things beer, food and photography, from Western Australia


                    • #11
                      I changed my idea to Black/red cloud pattern. I dont know if i like it but after all the work i thought i better post it after being a loudmouth up there haha.
                      Opened in CS5. Duplicated layer, when to select - Select colour, chose all the red - removed the lipstick - Inverted the selection right click copy as new layer.
                      Re selected old layer, Copied the red colour, chose black as the secondary - Went to filter - render - clouds.
                      Selected the lady layer - WEnt to smart sharpen, Applied 70% at .3 radius.
                      selected the lady layer again, went to image - adjustments - shadow/lightness - raised shadows by 5%.
                      all that to make the same image basically.
                      You can see the over sharpening on the eyes and stuff but i am guessing that is because it was such a small file i had to play with.
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0680.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	246.0 KB
ID:	317654
                      Its not paranoia if everyone is actually watching you
                      MY Flickr
                      Scotty's Place


                      • #12
                        i like the change in background the softer look highlights the model for sure!
                        A guy who is loving all things beer, food and photography, from Western Australia


                        • #13
                          this is my first attempt at serious photoshop work, (photoshop 7 btw) i used loads of different tools but mainly clone, level and mag lasso. the misses thinks its ok could be better but i did it on the laptop while watching family guy , and the quality of the laptop screen is pretty ordinary

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	shell08.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	79.8 KB
ID:	317669
                          Last edited by pembo260; 19-12-2011, 08:17 PM.
                          A guy who is loving all things beer, food and photography, from Western Australia


                          • #14
                            Pretty good pembo but If you don't mind me saying it, you've over done the brightness in the eyes, and the outside edges of both are obviously original. Many may not notice but as I focus heavily on the eye as the central theme of a portrait it looks odd to me.
                            (no offence intended)

                            (Grumpy old fart with some Nikon stuff)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by aslan View Post
                              Pretty good pembo but If you don't mind me saying it, you've over done the brightness in the eyes, and the outside edges of both are obviously original. Many may not notice but as I focus heavily on the eye as the central theme of a portrait it looks odd to me.
                              (no offence intended)
                              None taken! thanks for the imput its much appreciated. I was using photoshop7 with a cheap laptop so if i had the big computer and the latest photoshop plus training it might have been better
                              A guy who is loving all things beer, food and photography, from Western Australia

