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  • Victoria Falls - Blue Mountains

    Part of a 9km bush walk though the Blue Mountains takes you past Victoria Falls. I'm playing around with shutter speeds trying to see what works. Interested to hear people thoughts and advice.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Toddyh; 03-07-2015, 09:02 AM.
    Sony A7rii

  • #2
    Nice shot Toddyh. Very pleasing composition, with vegetation framing the shot and the rocks in the foreground. Color is quite good. Maybe could be warmed up a bit? Not sure, but might be worth a fiddle to see.

    The shutter speed works quite well, and the blurred water effect is not overdone. Of course, that's just my opinion, and others will think differently. Some people here are very keen on the slow shutter water stuff. I feel it's something that can be overdone.

    I have another perhaps ridiculous suggestion. In your shot, my eye is drawn down the waterfall and then across to the bottom left of the image. There is a school of thought that says it is more satisfying or effective for the eye to be drawn from the left to the right across an image. If you flipped your image? Just a thought.

    My indecision is final, I think.


    • Toddyh
      Toddyh commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks for the comments Charles. Yeah I've found with moving water somewhere between 0.5-2sec shutter to be my go to. Depends on the speed the water is flowing and how much white water is being created.
      I did warm it up a little but it kinda takes away from the fact we were at the bottom of a 600m deep canyon.
      The flip the shot thought is interesting. Not something I had ever considered before.Thanks again.

  • #3
    Only seeing a thumbnail image.

    There is a button on the above menu bar on how to upload photos here. Just about everyone finds the process confusing. Some choose just to link to an external site such as Flickr.

    I'm with Charles on suggesting a flip and agree that it is a very nice composition.

    Great to see you experimenting - one benefit of digital is you can see the results of those experiments instantly

    Carry on :}

    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram


    • #4
      Hi Toddyh.

      I don't mind the way you've presented the falls and don't really agree with the flip. However I feel the composition does suffer somewhat by the falls being so far offset to the left of the frame. Waterfalls and tall trees can often look better presented in portrait format rather than landscape which enables the picture to balance better to the eye.

      I've had a little play with the image just to illustrate how I see it. First I've rotated the image to make the lip of the fall level. Then got rid of most of the tree on the rhs which really doesn't add to the image and I think unbalances the scene. Lifted the reds a little for contrast and here's my take on it. Hope you don't mind.. (It is in 'Pick it to pieces' after all)!

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Copy falls.jpg
Views:	71
Size:	844.8 KB
ID:	409856


      • sejac
        sejac commented
        Editing a comment
        Good work Greg. You've made some excellent points.

    • #5
      I like it Greg. Thanks for the feedback.
      Sony A7rii


      • #6
        Greg beat me to it. I was going to suggest this may warrant a vertical composition. Some people never seem to take portrait views. I think of Sigmond Freud at times like this if its longer than it's wide consider turning your camera on it's side.
        Better a full bottle in front of me
        than a full frontal lobotomy.


        • #7
          You've opened the floodgates with this Toddyh. Great to see you here and trying new stuff. I like the photo and agree with most of the CC above.
          As others on this family can attest to, I do love a good Black and White!
          I had a fiddle and this is what I came up with.
          Flipped horizontally, straightened, cropped, Added a few layers - B&W, Levels, Brightness/Contrast.
          I could not resist the matte board and gallery frame (my own actions - FREE to anyone who wants them - PM me), because it would look good on the wall
          Click image for larger version

Name:	toddyh-VF.jpg
Views:	95
Size:	297.8 KB
ID:	410284
          I Shoot A Canon

          Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
          My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
          Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.


          • Toddyh
            Toddyh commented
            Editing a comment
            Ha that looks great Isac. Seems everyone is onto it with the vertical framing.
            As for the flip and then labeling it to hang on the wall I couldn't do it. It would bug me that's it's not an accurate representation of the falls haha.

          • Isac
            Isac commented
            Editing a comment
            Thanks Toddyh, I do understand about the wall thing. Once a photo is edited, no matter how subtle, it is (as you quoted) not an accurate representation. However, I think in today's world of readily available photo manipulation processes, one could be forgiven for walling up something that has been edited to the max, just for the beauty of it. Cheers and keep posting