Wow Barry, it is bigger than what I thought. It's certainly the planet nerds man Your partner must be awfully proud of you. Just remember to pop to the house every so often and see the family, don't want your partner to start up the "my partner has a front yard observatory" support group.
Wow Barry, it is bigger than what I thought. It's certainly the planet nerds man Your partner must be awfully proud of you. Just remember to pop to the house every so often and see the family, don't want your partner to start up the "my partner has a front yard observatory" support group.
awesome job Barry.
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! I'll try to look in on her once every month or so....
We are up in Cooktown during xmas visiting the inlaws and my father inlaw was very impressed with it all and my hubby said "ask Barry if he can make me one" lol.
We are up in Cooktown during xmas visiting the inlaws and my father inlaw was very impressed with it all and my hubby said "ask Barry if he can make me one" lol.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
If I didn't have a full-time job I would seriously consider hiring out my observatory-building skills...
All the cameras and cables installed now. Mount aligned to the planet's axis and ready for imaging. Now to wait for that pesky moon to go away and have a clear night!!
YAY!! Finally imaging again! Clear night, no moon, no clouds and DARK DARK DARK SKY!!! Going for Messier 42 - The great Orion Nebula tonight!
I've been out of the deep space imaging game for a couple of years now, so this will be interesting trying to re-learn everything and apply the last two years of regular photography processing skills.