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  • Star Trails

    I nicked off by myself the other night as it was clear, cold and cloudless, to get some more photos of the milky way and also I put fresh batteries in my intervalometer and had half an idea of how to go about doing star trails, learned a lot from the last time I did this, so this is my result ................

    The water foreground is actually the flood filter as the sea which was originally in the foreground I had to revise slightly as there was a cruising boat moored in front of the camera, rotating around in the wind, and looked pretty daggy after 80 shots were put together.

    What I did was use my D7000 with 10-24mm lens at about 20mm, f3.5, ISO 2500, 80 by 20 second shots with an interval of 2 seconds in between each exposure. Managed to successfully eyeball the Southern Cross for finding the south celestial pole and yeah, much happier with this one than the time before.

    Hope you like ..............

    Oh and going out doing milky ways and star trails is not Pete's idea of a good time, so that's why I went on my own

    Click image for larger version

Name:	star trail final.jpg
Views:	70
Size:	219.4 KB
ID:	410647


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  • #2
    I like - Nice one Jenne

    Good work finding the SCP

    The 'Flood Filter ' is subtle enough to solve the boat problem too

    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

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    • jenne
      jenne commented
      Editing a comment
      I cloned most of the boat mess out in the single finalised shot, then had to clone in some of the hill on the LHS before I added that filter Alan, I loved how it reflected some of the milky way.

  • #3
    Excellent Jenne, that SCP is a tricky sucker to nail accurately
    Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


    • #4
      Good to see you posting again Jenne - have missed your shots.

      This is great and you positioned the SCP nicely in the frame. What did you stack them with?

      We're the reverse - my husband likes doing star trails while I tend to get a bit bored - might just move well away with a good book on my tablet and a glass of red next time he decides to do some.


      • #5
        Thanks so much guys. I stacked them with
        I can imagine how boring it would be to go along and wait .... and wait .....
        that's why I would rather go alone then I don't have to hurry or be aware of someone else waiting lol.

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