Common Brown Butterfly, Heteronympha merope merope. Stacks of them around at the moment - mostly males, the females emerge later for some reason.
Another attempt with the old Sigma 135-400mm. (see "Wren on a Twig" for the First)
Charles and Mick suggested stopping down the lens (and not pushing it to it's max focal length)
The difference is marked to say the least - thanks guys
Here's today's experiment - all 400 ISO - on a monopod, but quite windy, so not many keepers. (there is also a Rock Rose over in Flora)
#1 f/11, f 300mm
#2 f/9 f 300mm
#3 f9 300mm
Common Brown Butterfly, Heteronympha merope merope. Stacks of them around at the moment - mostly males, the females emerge later for some reason.
Another attempt with the old Sigma 135-400mm. (see "Wren on a Twig" for the First)
Charles and Mick suggested stopping down the lens (and not pushing it to it's max focal length)
The difference is marked to say the least - thanks guys
Here's today's experiment - all 400 ISO - on a monopod, but quite windy, so not many keepers. (there is also a Rock Rose over in Flora)
#1 f/11, f 300mm
#2 f/9 f 300mm
#3 f9 300mm