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  • Fuzzy Fly

    It`s getting colder,even the Flies are growing fur.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Fuzzy Fly.jpg
Views:	205
Size:	337.5 KB
ID:	471669Click image for larger version

Name:	Fuzzy Fly 2.jpg
Views:	147
Size:	371.2 KB
ID:	471670
    I shoot a Canon 90D with a few bits of glass.

  • #2
    Excellent work Kevin. I'm loving your macro's.
    My Gear


    • #3
      Thanks John,I love taking them so I`ll happily provide more for your enjoyment.
      C+C,EDITS OK
      I shoot a Canon 90D with a few bits of glass.


      • #4
        I'm impressed with these Kevin. The great things I see are:
        1. Framing
        2. POV
        3. Strong colours
        4. Nice detail and focus on the subject
        5. Depth of Field
        6. Lighting
        The negatives are:
        Mmmmm - none!
        I Shoot A Canon

        Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
        I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
        I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


        • #5
          Why thank you Sir,I thought you may have pinged me for the difference in brightness between the 2,the reason is that #1 was shot at 1/64 flash output,#2 at 1/32.
          C+C,EDITS OK
          I shoot a Canon 90D with a few bits of glass.


          • Isac
            Isac commented
            Editing a comment
            The difference in lighting is not a big issue for me here because they are both lit well and the fly is still very visible in both. Good work. Easy to get them the same in PP if you need to tweak them.