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  • Bug Convention

    The numbers just keep growing, there are hundreds now - on the ground in groups, others moving through the leaf litter, some on the trunks, many in the branches, and all the time bugs are flying off - must be a popular couple of trees. Buggared if I know why.





    Photos #1 & 2 taken with the Canon G11 (because it had a swivel screen). I had bugs on a mission crawling all over the camera and me as I was taking the low shots -
    Last edited by Alan; 19-12-2015, 12:43 PM.

    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

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  • #2
    Could be a "Union" meeting if ya know what I mean
    Very colourful insects, I'm liking the simplicity, underside view and that DOF of the last...

    What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
    CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.


    • #3
      I've not seen them here but they look to be very similar, apart from the colouring, to the Harlequin Bugs which are a pest around the garden. Something is certainly attracting them.


      • #4
        No idea why but lots of opportunities and their colours are gorgeous. Love the last.

