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  • Jewel Beetles

    Scutiphora pedicellata.

    I found a large gathering of them under an old Lilli Pilli tree in our front garden.

    Over a few days they have been slowly crawling off through the leaf litter, towards the light and then flying away. Some were up on the trunk, but I'm not sure whether they were climbing up or down.

    I was reading somewhere that they lay their eggs in wood, so I was wondering if this was a mass hatching?

    No sure why some appear to be burrowing into the ground - maybe it was an egg laying get together instead?

    Mark might know

    All photos hand held with the Nikon D7000 and 60mm Micro Nikkor and extension tube, using natural light, except the group shot, which was with the Coolpix








    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

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  • #2
    Great shots Alan, that would have been a sight to see with so many of them together .
    Cheers, Brad.


    • #3
      #4 for me Alan - poised precariously on that big strong leaf.
      I Shoot A Canon

      Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
      I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
      I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


      • #4
        Someone's been practising. Very nice Alan.

        They are bugs though, not beetles. Its got a long tube for a mouth tucked up under its belly, through which it sucks sap from plants and things - sometimes from other insects. Some infor here -
        Nature's Place - Macro Illustrated


        • #5
          Thanks guys

          Yes, it was great when I saw the first one and then the second and third. Then they were everywhere once I stated to look slowly and with a different frame of reference, (used to looking for bird sized things)

          Thanks Mark for that link, I was relying on the Australian Museum web site and Wikipedia for some ids


          So what do you think are they doing?

          I found these Beetles/Bugs congregating under a leaf in the mangroves near Port Douglas some years ago. Seems similar?

          Click image for larger version

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          Attached Files

          D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

          Flickr Instagram


          • #6
            I have seen the Harlequin Bug mating, nesting and living on the one tree. When the little ones hatch they herd around the place, safety in numbers maybe - instinct. I suspect they grew up in the same area and are gathering for flight, mating, propagation ...
            Nature's Place - Macro Illustrated

