(By the way, I've ordered an acromat to try.. why do you use two doubled up and do you focus stack?)
Thanks S ... Mine is a small sensor, basically a crop of a big sensor, so no need for stacking - though I am not inclined anyway. I use the two achromats because they suit my setup - a internally zooming lens with the equivalent of 400mm reach. Put one achromat on and I get a WD of 8" - for bigger/sensitive creatures, the other gives me a WD of 4" - for smaller/less sensitive creatures, both give me a WD of 2" - with corresponding magnification. A 2" WD allows me to comfortably hold the platform of a creature while sitting lens tip on same hand + stability, if one moves the other does too.
Stunning pics Mark. What settings, light and gear.
Thanks Terry. I still use the FZ50 with achromats - see half way down page of second sig link. Lighting is mostly by ext flash on the cam snooted and diffused - also on same page. Settings are basic, ISO100, Pic adjusts all low because I can add but not take away - from JPG's, SS1/40 - 1/160 - depends on BG/ambient light, and f11 every time. Always use flash.