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  • Cricket repost

    Meant to put it in here.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    They are a real annoying bug at our pace. They start their racket and it goes for about an hour. They sound similar to frogs. We have a pool in our yard and when they hop in and drown, they emit the worst odour, which you would align to rotting prawn heads. Thanks for posting, you've cheered me up no end. Only joking, they are good photos. Maybe start a new post "What peeves me the most". Members could post up photos of what really ticks them off.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • #3
      I think crickets are cute. At least when the crickets are called the temperature is nice and warm. We certainly never hear them calling here in winter. It's already below freezing outside

      The first photo is particularly clear and I like the angle you have taken it at.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Isac View Post
        They are a real annoying bug at our pace. They start their racket and it goes for about an hour. They sound similar to frogs. We have a pool in our yard and when they hop in and drown, they emit the worst odour, which you would align to rotting prawn heads. Thanks for posting, you've cheered me up no end. Only joking, they are good photos. Maybe start a new post "What peeves me the most". Members could post up photos of what really ticks them off.
        Think you are confusing the mole cricket with the 'hopping' crickets whch are different species. These fellows don't hop and only crawl about. They spend most of their time underground.

        They do chirp though when rain is coming and are one of natures incredible little creatures. Learn to like them Isac.. be comforted that you're able to listen to them sing. They were there long before your pool.

