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  • Dragonfly last summer

    Click image for larger version

Name:	P1030301-RW2-DxO_DeepPRIME XD2-Edit.jpg
Views:	41
Size:	157.0 KB
ID:	510702

    Common Darter

  • #2
    Blends in pretty well. Nice shot.
    Fujifilm X-T5, XF16-80 f/4, XF70-300 f/4-5.6, XF23 f/2, XF35 f/2, XF150-600 f/5.6-8, and a random assortment of 35mm film cameras.


    • #3
      Nice and colourful. Any reason the image is so small - it's well below maximum size for the forum.
      Alan W

      My Gallery


      • #4
        Yea, I was trying to use Lightroom to reduce the photo size to fit Greg's 1024 rule. That was on the MacBook that I am playing with. I normally use my PC, and its easy to re-size a photo. So unsure what went wrong there...maybe stick to Windows...


        • wigz
          wigz commented
          Editing a comment
          It should be the same in both using "Export". Do you normally use Lightroom or Photoshop to resize.

          Lightroom versions have become confusing to me as there are now three = Classic, Desktop and CC.

      • #5
        Thanks Alan.

        Normally, which is using the PC, I use Lightroom. I export at full size, then resize using the Microsoft Image Resizer. From that app, I can choose various sizes, from Phone to what they call Large. There is a custom setting, which I use to post to here.

        Thus, I was looking for a similar app for the MacBook.

        However, when asking on the E-Group forum, I was educated to seeing that Lightroom can output almost any size required. So what I did was to set the output on LR, to 1024 on the longest edge. And what you see above is a result of that. I think I may be getting photo pixels and screen pixels mixed up...

        Hey ho, every day, I still find I am on the learning curve...


        • MJ224
          MJ224 commented
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          Thanks Alan. Generally I will stick to the PC, and my resizing method there. I am finding the little MacBook is good for away from home, so will try and "perfect" that system.... Maybe just use the forum's resizing software, IQ is always limited on the screen, and forum fiddling...

          On the E-Group forum, which uses the same forum software, the resizing there tends to sharpen everything up a much so,,I occasionally go back and soften the Lightroom output.

          It's all fun, and does not cost much (not including cameras and lenses)...

        • wigz
          wigz commented
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          I'm a little curious. Do you know if Lightroom gave you the wrong pixel dimensions or was it the forum software.

        • MJ224
          MJ224 commented
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          As said, I used my MacBook for this photo. And I am not that familiar with the Apple computer.

          I have looked at the image properties, and it has sized the photo to a 1o24 pixels on the longest side. Thus I am a little confused why the size is smaller than usual. On the PC, I use an app outside of LR, and re-size to 1024 longest side. So not sure what is going on. I will experiment a bit more...

          Thanks for the interest, as said, I am exploring the MacBook's ability, faster than the PC for certain...