Very nice shot and I will say I have tried to get a few shots of them lately and not a good result.
I know the problem and it is me rushing. So I will get a shot like this again one of these days.
So much details on them especially where they put the pollen on their back legs.
I think it is so clever how they are. So well done.
Action shot! Looks like he is busy on a rosemary bush. I have a similar one which gets used in the kitchen a fair bit. It is also covered in bees at the moment while it's flowering.
Better a full bottle in front of me
than a full frontal lobotomy.
Correction on previous statement, it is indeed Rosemary. I walked past it this morning and gave it a damn good sniffing and images of my wifes roast lamb came flooding back and put me in a state of drool.
Well, I was thinking of taking a picture to show the simularity. We use it often to have with fried potatoes and garlic. Cook the potato in the MW for 2 min
cut it and fry in pan till brown on one side in some olive oil then whe you start the other side throw in a small handfull of Rosemary and one or two coves of garlic. Just pinch a branch off the bush The bees and the neighbour wont mind. I have a lifetime supply growing . Didn't know the bush would get so big. Started the plant from a cutting I took of a grave.
Lovely flavour added with rosemary. Good recipe, I'll pass on to the head chef. We hade rosemary across the truncation of our block when we first built our house and it was always being "plucked" by us as well as neighbours and passers by. It was very hungry for water and nothing would grow anywhere near it so we removed it. There's plenty growing in the neighbourhood so we never go short.