Down south of WA I noticed these polled herefords doing what boys do - not much at all really.
I Shoot A Canon Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
Isac- pics are okay- just like many of mine in fact! ... but as to hamburgers -- there is an urban myth? that I heard a decade ago that one very famous hamburger chain put the whole carcus in at one end, minced the lot all together and squeezed out the other end the mince for the patties. I have no way of determining the accuracy, but it therefore makes no reference to 'black angus' or 'hereford' or whatever ......... but the not very discerning customers keep driving up to the window and ordering more of them
I can't remember the last time I ate a hamburger from a "Do you want fries with that" chain. I prefer the cut from the butcher. I think the price and convenience is the driving force for many. I'm glad you said my pics are OK