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  • The WhiteRainbow

    G'day all

    The rainbow in the mist - also called a 'white rainbow' appeared before me ~ so here it is for you too

    exif- Panny FZ-2500; 1/80s x F11; ISO-100; Lens at 24mm FFequiv

    As always, feedback welcome

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at

  • #2
    Very nice Phil. Lovely simple shot with the trees breaking the horizontal lines and the rainbow linking it together. Also called a fog bow. I think I’ve only ever seen, and photographed, one.
    Alan W

    My Gallery


    • #3
      Unique shot Phil. One for the album! Lovely colours. Just me but I would have loved to see the entire rainbow OR remove the leaves that haven't got a tree to call their own.
      Last edited by Isac; 14-04-2021, 05:24 PM.
      I Shoot A Canon

      Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
      I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
      I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


      • Ozzie_Traveller
        Ozzie_Traveller commented
        Editing a comment
        Isac- good points both of them -- it's as wide as the lens would go, so there ain't no more - but the leaves can (will) certainly go

      • Isac
        Isac commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks mate. There's a great thing now called panoramic photography. It's been around a while, but for bush folk it may not have caught on yet! Here's a quick tutorial by DSLR Tips & Tricks Canberra. I hope you delve in to this fascinating technique.
        You do know I'm kidding right?