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  • Butterfly

    Canon 7D Mark II with TAMRON 18-400mm | 1/500 sec | f/6.3 | ISO 250 | Aperture priority | Metering: Spot | 400 mm | Subject: 1.024M
    Click image for larger version

Name:	7431-Butterfly.jpg
Views:	121
Size:	81.5 KB
ID:	477416 #2
    Canon 7D Mark II with TAMRON 18-400mm | 1/500 sec | f/6.3 | ISO 200 | Aperture priority | Metering: Spot | 400 mm | Subject: 0.490M
    Click image for larger version

Name:	7464-Butterfly.jpg
Views:	87
Size:	91.6 KB
ID:	477415
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.

  • #2
    Beautiful Isac, and great colour. When using spot metering, do you adjust the the exposure or meter from a mid-tone area
    Alan W

    My Gallery


    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      Isac, I mostly avoid spot metering as I thought it could give inconsistent results. My understanding is that it will give an exposure to render the area under the spot as a mid-tone, possibly incorrect for the rest of the image. Perhaps we should move this discussion to a separate topic. Does it work differently for the 7D II?

    • Grumpy John
      Grumpy John commented
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      I tend to agree with you Alan. I have found inconsistent results using spot metering and prefer to use Evaluative metering. I also use a Canon 7D MkII. I'm not sure how the Nikon does spot metering, but the Canon spot Meters in the centre of frame. This means that if you subject is "off Centre" you meter on your subject and recompose. a right royal PITA.

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      It seems to work OK on the 7Dii so I'm happy with the outcomes it gives me. It's never worried me and I also use other metering settings, depending on the scene and light that's around. Cheers.

  • #3
    G'day mate

    Two very beautiful images - I am most impressed - don't lose that lens !!!

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at


    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      Cheers Phil. I am constantly amazed at the results from this lens, especially at 400mm.

  • #4
    They are both wonderful images Isac, lovely soft background and sharp focus on the main object, wonderful colours too.
    Just goes to show that you don't necessarily need a macro lens to capture great images of insect life.
    My Gear


    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      Thank you John - very much appreciated. At 400mm I can get good focus as close as 100mm from the subject so it's a good stand in for a macro.