Both lovely images Hans. #2 for me. Nice colours in those leaves. Well done sir.
I Shoot A Canon Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
Thanks Isac It was a surprise how many locals have said I must go and visit after seeing some of these.images.
I am having no luck gardening. I have a tomato plant twice as tall as the ones I planted and it self seeded in a strange spot well after I put the others in the ground. The first lot curled up their toes. Broadbeans have shrivelled up and died. My wysteria didn't flower after putting it in the ground after it being in a pot and flowering last year. The Zucchini has started to change its leaves to yellow and has started going backwards but the roses are doing great One branch got that many flowers on it it broke off.