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  • Pink Rose

    I seen these roses and they are the smaller headed rose which I thing this if I remember being told by our neighbour that this is an old rose.
    They have been in their house for a long while. And she got told by to old exowner of the house this it is an old form f rose.
    I have no idea but I do know they don't show up on her side, which I think is bad luck for her.

  • #2
    Lovely rose Arthur and that colour is beautiful.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
    Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.


    • #3
      Thanks so much Isac. Last year I got a few good shots ot the same bush when it was in flower.
      I put the, all onto a USB and gave them the photo's.
      Only the other day when they came and got some of the old lead light that we tolk out of our place,
      that she has got the flowers as her screen saver.
      I will admit to getting a little proud of that.


      • Isac
        Isac commented
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        And so you should be proud Arthur! They are lovely photos. You'll have to start playing with them in Photoshop to see if you can add some special creative edits to make them into works of art. Flowers are great for that sort of thing.

      • HansE
        HansE commented
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        I particularly like the first picture. Such a perfect flower.

    • #4
      A nice pastel shade


      • #5
        Thank you to everyone with your comments.
        I like Pink in the garden even if it is next door.

