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Couldn't agree more Toddy. I've tried a number of times with a macro lens over the years and I might have one or two reasonable shots. The first challenge is getting them in the frame, the second is getting them in focus. What lens are you using?
OK Alan so here's the real clincher. I was using a 70-300mm lens and standing or squatting about 3m away. If I went close they took off so I figured I'd try standing back and using a longer lens.
#3 for me Todd but the others are close. Lovely colours and the bee stands out nicely and pretty sharp as well. My magnolias are out in full bloom and the bees just love them so you've inspired me to have a crack with my Tammy 18-400. Thanks!I Shoot A Canon
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I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.