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Nice spot Hans. Did you cross the river to the old Shale Oil Mine?
We camped across the river but didn't go into four wheel drive just had a little wheelspin with the road tyres dragging the trailer. could have easily driven the family saloon where it was marked 4wd only. We saw the site where they did the processing with the remains of the coke ovens etc. I will post another pic.
That's it Hans. Nice little walk through there isn't it. The creek there was pretty badly contaminated for a while but is starting to come good now. I still wouldn't go drinking it yet. There's photos floating around of what it looked like when it was in full operation. Certainly gives some perspective.
As for the partial demolition I think anything that had any steel at all was removed when the mine closed as it was such a valuable resource. That's why there's little to no trace of the old railway either.
I suspected as much. The fact that it closed in the thirties means there was a lot of time for collection. A couple of our party walked to the top of an escarpment on the way to Glen Davis They oohd and Ahd about the views but they were half my age and were knackered when they got back to the camp site. Maybe when I'm feeling a bit stupid I will wander and climb up nice and slow one day. Meanwhile happy with what I have so far.
If you venture back that way Hans and fancy a walk downhill, instead you can get someone to drop you at the Glow Worm Tunnel and follow the track through the tunnel, down the escarpment towards Newnes.
Loving this history lesson with accompanying photos (which are excellent Hans - I must say).I Shoot A Canon
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I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.