not posted in a while (not just me either) so
was up the blue mountains a week or so back. temps around zero and heavy dew until the sun did its thing.
we came across a mob of roos grazing in the long and wet grass.
fluffiest I have even seen them. all the fur wet too as they put heads into the long graze.

d4 600f4 tripod, 1/2000 f5.6 iso 1600 full frame.
was up the blue mountains a week or so back. temps around zero and heavy dew until the sun did its thing.
we came across a mob of roos grazing in the long and wet grass.
fluffiest I have even seen them. all the fur wet too as they put heads into the long graze.

d4 600f4 tripod, 1/2000 f5.6 iso 1600 full frame.