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  • Never seen before

    I was driving towards Pyengana, Tasmania, when I spotted this, it only lasted for around five minutes.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Glyn; 27-08-2014, 05:06 PM.
    Canon 30D Sigma 17-70 Canon 75-300. PSE11, DXO Optics Pro 7, Nik Viveza 2, Silver Efex Pro 2, Color Efex Pro 4, Dfine 2, Sharpener Pro 3

  • #2
    Good to have you posting again Glyn. That's quite an unusual rainbow over a very peaceful scene. (Love the Pyengana cheese)!


    • Glyn
      Glyn commented
      Editing a comment
      I stopped because I was having trouble posting pics from flickr, still am, this was an upload from the Mac ... too small

    • wacko-ocker
      wacko-ocker commented
      Editing a comment
      Hey Glyn
      ditto on the post, question how are you trying to post?
      have you tried using the img command and posting link from flicker into this command ? just thought if you have

  • #3
    Very interesting, going to scrape some paint off flying that low!!

    What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
    CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.


    • #4
      That seemed to work. Now it's the right size
      Canon 30D Sigma 17-70 Canon 75-300. PSE11, DXO Optics Pro 7, Nik Viveza 2, Silver Efex Pro 2, Color Efex Pro 4, Dfine 2, Sharpener Pro 3


      • #5
        Nice to see you back Glyn too (but your pic is still a small one for me )

        I'm using Flickr without problems, but downloading images to here also works for me following the instructions in the menu bar - but others still seem to be having trouble using that method.

        What's the problem you are experiencing with Flickr?

        D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

        Flickr Instagram


        • #6
          Very interesting photo Glyn. Lucky to see and photograph that if it was visible for only five minutes. Timing is everything. Nice work. PS - Good to see you back
          I Shoot A Canon

          Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
          I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
          I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


          • #7
            Originally posted by caralan View Post
            Nice to see you back Glyn too (but your pic is still a small one for me )

            I'm using Flickr without problems, but downloading images to here also works for me following the instructions in the menu bar - but others still seem to be having trouble using that method.

            What's the problem you are experiencing with Flickr?
            It looks fine to me.
            Canon 30D Sigma 17-70 Canon 75-300. PSE11, DXO Optics Pro 7, Nik Viveza 2, Silver Efex Pro 2, Color Efex Pro 4, Dfine 2, Sharpener Pro 3


            • #8
              Still just showing up as a thumb nail this end as well, it gets slightly bigger when clicked on.

              What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
              CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.


              • #9
                Ditto what Gaz says about size. Lovely scene and so green - maybe a lazy rainbow.


                • #10
                  If you click on the blue attached files link, you get full size.

