As requested starting a new thread for these 
The local Electric Palace one of the oldest purpose built cinemas in the UK (& a favourite because I got it without a dozen cars parked in front!)
Harwich's cinema by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr
One snapped in IR at a touring car event (love the expressions & the lack of advertisements on the girls suits)
BTTC grid in IR by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr
A view of the local woods with a fisheye
Stour woods fisheye by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr
Milford Sound in New Zealand - probably my favourite spot in the world
Milford sound, NZ by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr
and a lucky shot of the local windfarm (I spotted the fog & was pleased to find it still visible after I'd raced home & grabbed a camera)
Gunfleet fog by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

The local Electric Palace one of the oldest purpose built cinemas in the UK (& a favourite because I got it without a dozen cars parked in front!)

One snapped in IR at a touring car event (love the expressions & the lack of advertisements on the girls suits)

A view of the local woods with a fisheye

Milford Sound in New Zealand - probably my favourite spot in the world

and a lucky shot of the local windfarm (I spotted the fog & was pleased to find it still visible after I'd raced home & grabbed a camera)
