It seems that Eromanga holds the title for Oz's largest dinosaur "Australotitan cooperensis" known locally by the friendly nick-name of 'Cooper', as Eromanga is in the Cooper Basin and the well known Channel Country. From fossilised bones the experts estimate Cooper to have been 35metres long x 15m tall
This sculpture from aluminium tube is an artists' representation of Cooper plus two youngsters
1)- mid afternoon ...

exif- Panny FZ-300; 1/1600s x F4,0; ISO-100; lens at 2x zoom / 45mm FFequiv
2)- sundown + 15 minutes

exif- Panny FZ-2500; 1/3s x F8,0; ISO-200; lens at 1x zoom / 35mm FFequiv
3)- sundown + 30 minutes with skylight behind camera

exif- Panny FZ-2500; 8,0s x F8,0; ISO-200; lens at 1x zoom / 35mm FFequiv
4)- sundown + 40 minutes

exif- Panny FZ-2500; 3s x F8,0; ISO-200; lens at 1x zoom / 35mm FFequiv
As always, feedback welcome