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  • New Woy Woy Wharf.

    Here is another colour and mono presentation of the same image. This is the new wharf at Woy Woy. It is a major improvement compared to the old wharf. For those who may not know, Woy Woy was where Spike Milligan's parent lived. Spike referred to it as "the world's largest above ground cemetery".
    I don't remember which program I used to process the mono image.
    Pentax K-3, SMC DA 18-135mm.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMGP9343_DCU_2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	123.8 KB ID:	487075

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMGP9343.jpg Views:	0 Size:	152.3 KB ID:	487076
    Ray Allen.

  • #2
    Both are great Ray but for me the B&W suits the image and its elements, mainly because of your treatment to make the image pop.
    I hope it's OK that I offer a couple of thoughts for the editing process - of course in a friendly way. If it were my image, I would:
    1. Use vertical perspective to straighten the pylons.
    2. Give a shadows lift under the wharf (it has some really nice detail).
    3. Just add a small amount of drama to the clouds

    Still a beautiful image and I like your colour and black and white presentations for comparisons.
    I can help out with the above if you need it
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • rayallen
      rayallen commented
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      Thanks for your comments, Isac. My responses are:
      1. All the pylons are vertical except the leftmost one. That's just how it is and I left it that way.
      2. I had not considered doing that. You are probably correct.
      3. I did have more drama in the clouds but, to my eye, it looked a little overcooked and I reduced it back to where it is.

  • #3
    I prefer the colour version here Ray. I think the pylons and reflections stand out better from the water and bush in the colour version. I like your use of perspective and the reflections. I’m not as picky as Isac about verticals and didn’t notice it here, but it is better corrected if you can.
    Alan W

    My Gallery


    • rayallen
      rayallen commented
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      Thanks, Alan. See my reply to Isac above.

  • #4
    I'm also with the colour version. The end pylon looks as if if it is out of step with the others and may have had an accidental nudge. The canopy looked a little wonky to me. Good result all the same.
    Better a full bottle in front of me
    than a full frontal lobotomy.


    • rayallen
      rayallen commented
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      Thank you, Hans. See my reply to Isac re the left pylon. I decided to leave it the way it was. I made sure that the part of the wharf on which the canopy is mounted was level.

    • HansE
      HansE commented
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      I know I'm splitting hair and the picture looks perfectly fine but! When checking it is out a little. Not bad but noticed by some. Blame Isac for he makes me do this by subliminal psychological pressure.

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      I do have a critical eye and it does bother me a bit, but it is what it is I guess. The great thing is, nowadays it's usually a quick easy fix with modern software. I still love the image! I will take the blame Hans.