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  • Wall of Dust 07-05-2019

    These are from a while back but I thought I would show just what it looked liked for real.
    We were living in Merbein just north of Mildura when this one hit.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Dust Wall 07-05-2019 (47).jpg
Views:	88
Size:	376.1 KB
ID:	484846
    # 1 I was at the end of our street taking these as this rolled in.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Dust Wall 07-05-2019 (49).jpg
Views:	83
Size:	318.3 KB
ID:	484847
    # 2 Looking down towards the local pub which is looking more north.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Dust Wall 07-05-2019 (67).jpg
Views:	85
Size:	359.6 KB
ID:	484848
    # 3 as it rolled in it just swallowed everything in it's path.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Dust Wall 07-05-2019 (69).jpg
Views:	89
Size:	311.0 KB
ID:	484849
    # 4 looking at one edge of it but that wasn't the end of it's line.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled_Panorama1.jpg
Views:	81
Size:	209.4 KB
ID:	484850
    # 5 a panorama of the full wall and when it was over the top of us it was like night time.

  • #2
    Great work in getting these Ralph. It's incredible how nature unfurls its wrath on this planet. I've only ever seen 2 of these, one in Dalwallinu about 45 tears ago and the other was just was from the air just after sundown when I was flying a plane from a Northwest station to home in Kalgoorlie. The pilot was having a kip when all of a sudden the lights went out as I approached Kalgoorlie. I thought I had flipped the plane around. It eas very eerie.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • Ralph
      Ralph commented
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      This is how it was there on the day so there is no need for anything to be touched on them. Remember I was there and seen it with my own eye so I know what it looked exactly like.

    • HansE
      HansE commented
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      True Ralph but several other people could have been standing next to you and finish up with different pictures claiming the same thing. Even just sme cropping can drastically alter the presentation without altering what was seen only what is recorded.

    • Ralph
      Ralph commented
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      Hans I know what I saw with my own eyes and honestly if that's not good enough well that's just too bad. I have kept them to what I seen not what other people might think it should look like. I am not other people As in I will tell and show the truth. And I don't care what others might have got as many factors can change the shots to like time of day direction of where the shot was taken for just a few. But what you have got is what I seen.

  • #3
    That's an impressive wall of dust.
    Alan W

    My Gallery

