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  • Cement Creek

    I still have the cuts and scrapes from forcing my way through the bush to get to this creek last week so you lot are going to see the photo and you are going to enjoy it and that is all I have to say about it.


  • #2
    Difficult to get right with the light and shadows. You've done pretty well.
    Maybe an even longer exposure would have smoothed out the section in the centre of the image.
    Sony A7rii


    • #3
      I love this area K1W1, did you visit the Redwood forest?
      My Gear


      • #4
        Originally posted by Toddyh View Post
        Difficult to get right with the light and shadows. You've done pretty well.
        Maybe an even longer exposure would have smoothed out the section in the centre of the image.
        Ta but I am not a fan of silky smooth water I like to see moving water actually moving. For me this exposure is probably even a fraction on the long side.


        • Toddyh
          Toddyh commented
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          Yep know exactly what you mean and usually agree. Just that the main point of interest on this image is the moving water in the foreground and you have to actually look around the image to see that it's in focus. Changing the main point of interest to say a rock would alleviate this issue too.

      • #5
        Originally posted by Grumpy John View Post
        I love this area K1W1, did you visit the Redwood forest?
        Have you been there lately? It is totally ruined and is now simply a tourist trap for Instagramers. The new car park is nearly 200 metres long. You used to go there and if there was one other car you felt like the place was crowded. I drove past as quickly as I could. There are plenty of other Redwoods around the Dandenong and Yarra Valley areas that Instagramers have not found fortunately.


        • Ironwood
          Ironwood commented
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          I have been seeing a bit of this same topic popping up on the wider photographic community. With the advent of geotagging on images, it is easy for people to see exactly where the location is and go there to replicate the shot. A lot of people are turning off their geotagging for this very reason.

        • Grumpy John
          Grumpy John commented
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          Bugga, it was a lovely quiet spot. I really liked checking out the weaving's. Glad I saw it when it was unspoiled.

      • #6
        Looks like a beautiful spot K1W1, I think you have captured it well, agree that it can be a fine line for shutter speed to get the effect you are after, but I don’t mind how it is.
        Its a shame that patch of sunlight under the little waterfall didn’t extend down with the flow to light the rest of the water in the bottom LH corner, I think that would have made the image really “pop”. Maybe a bit of shadow reduction on that area could have a similar effect.
        Cheers, Brad.


        • #7
          I'm enjoying it and that is all I have to say about it.
          I Shoot A Canon

          Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
          I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
          I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.

