Super shot Ross. It'd look good framed and on the wall. I like the colours that you've captured.
I Shoot A Canon Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
As everyone above has already said, lovely shot Ross. I agree with Hans that it doesn't look like like Sydney. I think that the 1.3 second exposure has helped smooth out the normally choppy waters of Circular Quay and given the image a calm feel (Sydney is definitely not calm).
On a more critical note I've taken advantage of your permission to edit photo's and straightened the image ever so slightly. I ran the PS spirit level over the tops of the windows (indicated by the red line), I also removed the spot in the lower LH corner and a couple of dust bunnies in the sky. I hope you don't mind.
All good Rodd.
If you want to get in to long exposure get yourself a couple of ND filters. I have an ND8 and an ND400, although I haven't been able to find them since we moved house back in February this year .
Woohoo, just had a big save. I was about to order new filters from Digital Camera Warehouse when I decided to have one last look. I found them under a stack of bills on my desk.
I spotted the horizon fix as well as the bunnies and thanks John for the edit. I also had a play with my sunset action and it came out rather well. I didn't think it would suit this image as it was already taken in that mould. I played with the blacks and shadows and it really made the colours pop and showed the lovely green grass on the RHS of the landscape. Could be Bennelong Lawns.