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  • Munja Track

    What a fantastic drive. Spent a week on the track and camping area at the end and had a blast. New vehicle and solo on a remote track kept the adrenaline pumping and I didn't do a lot of serious photography, more happy snap stuff with the phone.

    The Munja track is about half way up the Gibb River road, chuck a lefty and head for the rocks Not that bad really, most of it is flat tropical savannah country but there are a few rocky jump ups that make you snap to attention and pray to the tyre gods. New 80 series performed like a champ and no real dramas, just a lot of fun.

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    Lots of beautiful little creek crossings..

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    and some pandanus palms..oh, and look, a gorgeous landcruiser!

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    Great spot for lunch..

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    before getting back into the rocks.

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    Back to the open country. Scenery keeps changing...more pics to follow later, have some clean up work to do after three weeks on the road.

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ID:	453519
    Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins

  • #2
    Well you have definitely been out in the bush Mick! Lovely scenes along the way. It does look a lonely place to be and a bit dry in places as well. Keep 'em coming.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • #3
      Great shots Mick. We were wanted to do the Munja Track last year with the 4WD club we were in, but we don't have a winch on out fourby so we couldn't go. Still want to do it though.
      Last edited by Grumpy John; 10-07-2018, 03:48 PM.
      My Gear


      • #4
        Thanks fellas. No need for a winch John, second low on the rocky stuff and the 80 series simply walked over it all with ease. Low pressures and careful tyre placement and it's a walk in the park.

        Bog standard Prados come out here pulling camper trailers.
        Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


        • Grumpy John
          Grumpy John commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks mate. I don't blame the club I was in, it was probably a condition placed by their insurance company.
          I used to have a 100 series, loved it but traded it in on a Colorado. Before I get howled down, it was a 4.7 V8 on petrol. It was not unusual to get 30L/100K, much too expensive to drive now that I'm on a fixed income.

        • loose cannon
          loose cannon commented
          Editing a comment
          30/100km..ouch! The 80 has the n/a 1hz and delivers 14/100km on a bad day. I'm low income and fuel is a killer but I can live with that, just.

      • #5
        Awesome Mick. I'll be there in 2 months. Cannot wait.
        Sony A7rii


        • #6
          You'll have a ball Todd. Great track.
          Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


          • #7
            How long did you take Mick? I've allowed 6 days from Mt Elizabeth to as far as I can get and back.
            Sony A7rii


            • #8
              Bit much for the Subaru by the look of it.


              • #9
                Originally posted by Toddyh View Post
                How long did you take Mick? I've allowed 6 days from Mt Elizabeth to as far as I can get and back.
                Can easily be done in a day if time is short Todd. I camped at a couple of creeks on the way in so three days to get to Bachsten camp and then spent three days there, didn't go all the way to Walcott Inlet. On the way out did it comfortably in about eight hours.

                The Rockhole is a must see as is Wren gorge and Bachsten falls. The Honeycomb caves are interesting and only a short walk from the camp. I'll show some pics of these places once I get them processed. All are in close proximity to the camp.

                Most of the track is flat and easy, it's just the jump ups that slow you down a bit and there's really only two major ones. None of the creek crossings present any problems at all, the difficulty of this track is overstated.
                Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


                • #10
                  Originally posted by seaslug View Post
                  Bit much for the Subaru by the look of it.
                  Yeah, need some good ground clearance.
                  Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by loose cannon View Post

                    Can easily be done in a day if time is short Todd. I camped at a couple of creeks on the way in so three days to get to Bachsten camp and then spent three days there, didn't go all the way to Walcott Inlet. On the way out did it comfortably in about eight hours.

                    The Rockhole is a must see as is Wren gorge and Bachsten falls. The Honeycomb caves are interesting and only a short walk from the camp. I'll show some pics of these places once I get them processed. All are in close proximity to the camp.

                    Most of the track is flat and easy, it's just the jump ups that slow you down a bit and there's really only two major ones. None of the creek crossings present any problems at all, the difficulty of this track is overstated.

                    Thanks Mick. I did think that might be the case.Sounds fantastic.
                    Sony A7rii


                    • #12
                      Wow - that looks soo good Mick. Glad it's all working out and your are enjoying it so much too, (and you found a way of posting them here)


                      D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

                      Flickr Instagram


                      • #13
                        Thanks Alan. Back home now.

                        Decided to have a complete break from phone and internet while I was travelling, much more relaxing.
                        Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins

