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  • Kimberley Colour

    Captured this scene in the Bungles in the late afternoon just before the sun slipped behind a hill. The colours were far more dramatic the day before but I missed the opportunity.

    Initially I shot a couple of frames with a clean view of the hill but decided to include the dead tree and foreground foliage. To my eye they add some colour and drama to the image. Probably could evict the leaves on the right hand side, I'll get around to that later.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	SDIM5660-XL.jpg
Views:	75
Size:	249.3 KB
ID:	426169
    Last edited by loose cannon; 11-07-2016, 09:29 AM. Reason: change 'left hand side' to 'right hand side'. Doh!
    Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins

  • #2
    Beaut contrasting colours. That's a great shaped tree.. as dead as it is!


    • #3
      Tree definitely adds to it Mick. I would like it to be further off-centre personally.
      Sony A7rii


      • #4
        Originally posted by seaslug View Post
        Beaut contrasting colours. That's a great shaped tree.. as dead as it is!
        The tree is a beauty isn't it. I got a thing about dead trees, love 'em.

        Originally posted by Toddyh View Post
        Tree definitely adds to it Mick. I would like it to be further off-centre personally.
        Cheers Todd, you raise a good point with the position of the tree. My thought at the time was to have the tree in an 'in your face' position rather than maybe off to one side because I felt the tree deserved to be a major element of the image. Misleading title to the image perhaps, with hindsight maybe a title of 'Dead Tree' would suit the image more.

        Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


        • #5
          For me the tree is an intrusion .... my eye goes straight to the mouth and nose on the rock (left hand side) ... and then to all the trees right up the top.

          Amazing what captures peoples eye.
          "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


          • #6
            Stunning reds. I like the black tree cutting across the image like lightning.

            I'd like a vivid blue sky to go with the vivid red. Or maybe less sky, (not so much 50/50. I scrolled some sky out and it looked good to me) ), but you'd lose the top of the tree, but some creative cloning would solve that problem.

            Failing that, maybe it's worth playing with crops to emphasise the tree and red?

            I also tried a square crop.


            Click image for larger version

Name:	Kimberly Colour.jpg
Views:	68
Size:	192.0 KB
ID:	426226

            D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

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            • #7
              Originally posted by Sully View Post
              For me the tree is an intrusion .... my eye goes straight to the mouth and nose on the rock (left hand side) ... and then to all the trees right up the top.

              Amazing what captures peoples eye.
              Thanks for the comment Barb. I have a couple more of this scene and when things quieten down a bit I'll post a different version. Flat out for the next few days and struggling to get near the computer. Might be moving house soon and have plenty to do!

              Originally posted by Alan View Post
              Stunning reds. I like the black tree cutting across the image like lightning.

              I'd like a vivid blue sky to go with the vivid red. Or maybe less sky, (not so much 50/50. I scrolled some sky out and it looked good to me) ), but you'd lose the top of the tree, but some creative cloning would solve that problem.

              Failing that, maybe it's worth playing with crops to emphasise the tree and red?

              I also tried a square crop.


              Agree there's too much sky and it is a bit light on colour, good call, but I'm loathe to trim the tree. Leave it with me and I'll get back to this one when time permits. Thanks for taking the time Alan.

              Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins

