I need a sunset shot and despite travelling in western Qld and NSW for over a month never saw one decent sunset so have resorted to an old one. It's a shot I've struggled with in PP. I've put up 2 versions, one (#2) with an Orton effect in the sky . Is is too bright, too red? Would love some opinions on this.

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Both are appealing but #1 for me. Very powerful colours and taken from a great spot which shows the viewer the sheer beauty of the sunset. A stunning shot. Getting the colours right is such a hard ask for images like this so it's what YOU want that's important. Just for fun and something different, I did a soft sepia, straighten and shadows lift and came up with this.
I Shoot A Canon
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I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
I prefer the first Gabby, it's a wonderful and interesting image that has a lot more going for it than just the colour of the sky. The clouds seem to mirror the landscape and it looks very balanced.
A calming and serene image to view to my eye.
Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins
Plenty of colour in this sky! They just go on forever!
Number one for me..the clouds seem a little more defined and the water more natural looking.
Maybe somewhere between the two. #1 seems more natural, but some of the sky in #2 I like. Sunsets can be pretty vivid and exposure dependent.
I'd try layering the two and maybe keeping the bottom of #1 and gently erasing, (or using a mask,) to reveal some parts of #2, or varying the opacity.
Pretty spectacular either way
Thanks everyone - it looks like #1 is the one. I think it's just one of these images that I was looking at for too long and you tend to question yourself more and more and try different things. The sunset was brilliant that night but I didn't want it to get to the radioactive stage of processing.