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Includes seascape, panorama and travel photography
I like the dingy shot Bill and there's certainly some action on the jetty there. Can't see anything flipping around on the deck though. Were they catching anything?
Had both eyes Laser treated for Glaucoma last year. Seem to be controlling the condition now.
Hi Bill, you caught some nice holiday memories there.
I like the lovely backdrop to your fisherpeople Maybe a little crop off the bottom above the orange thing would tidy up the foreground.
Thanks for the comments Firstly I was laying on my stomach,was'nt much else I could do apart from zooming in then I would have lost the yellow bouy. Second tried cropping out the red safety jacket but it left the foreground pole To short, even tried cloning it out,in the end decided to leave it
Great natural looking images Bill. I think the colour saturation in #2 is a bit strong and it leans a bit to the left. I agree the orange coat should go. Here's a quick edit using the freebie Faststone Image Viewer which I used to clone out the orange coat (rhs), straighten, remove shadows and sharpen. I think Faststone handles shadows better than anything on the market.
I Shoot A Canon
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I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.