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  • Low cloud

    over the Blue Mountains. Am I the only one whose images seem darker once uploaded here?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Blue-Mtn.jpg
Views:	34
Size:	133.7 KB
ID:	415837

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Blue-Mtn-in-rain.jpg
Views:	34
Size:	158.4 KB
ID:	415838

  • #2
    Nice PP PP (Ha) - I couldn't resist! Very moody - I like.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • P Plates
      P Plates commented
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      Very droll Isac

    • Isac
      Isac commented
      Editing a comment
      I've got plenty more!

  • #3
    #1 does look quite dark, but #2 looks about right and is my pick. Not sure why the two should be so different if they looked the same brightness on your screen.

    I don't seem to have that problem, but I'm uploading from Flickr


    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram


    • P Plates
      P Plates commented
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      Might try posting more from Flickr to see if it makes a difference. I can post the same photo on two different forums and they always appear darker on this one.

    • Isac
      Isac commented
      Editing a comment
      Well, you should know by now that you're always welcome here "on the dark side".
      Oops, sorry about that, the grandies have hidden my medication again - they get a buzz out of seeing Pop doing things not all Pops would do!

  • #4
    Interesting effect, A bit dark on mine but fits the topic ok. Is it all cloud mist or could there be smoke involved?


    • P Plates
      P Plates commented
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      No, just clouds Greg - started to pour not long after I took these.

  • #5
    Thanks guys.

