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  • Part Two: Anne Beadell Highway (image heavy)

    It's a gorgeous track to drive.

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    Grey is the new green.

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    Lots of curvy bits, can't see a thing coming the other way.

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    Plenty of bumpity bumpity bumpity bits. There's a mean washout hidden in the shadows of that tree

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    Curves, dips, washouts, slopes and plenty of shadows to hide the bad bits. Really have to pay attention.

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    Sometimes the vehicle leans to the left.

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    Sometimes to the right

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    Firewood is easy to find.

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    Good ground clearance is essential, but you've probably guessed that already.

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    Lots of tunnels

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    Yet another curve.

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ID:	413298

    And it goes on and on and on.

    Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins

  • #2
    So so jealous. Looks like an amazing trip.
    Sony A7rii


    • #3
      Thanks for commenting Toddyh, yeah, it's pretty special.
      Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


      • #4
        That's a loooooong track between anything.

        How long did it take you? Did you see anyone else? Did it rain? Did you get a bit fed up with it after 1200kms How good was Laverton when you finally got there and what did you crave first?

        D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

        Flickr Instagram


        • #5
          How long did it take you?

          About two weeks.

          Did you see anyone else?

          Four or five vehicles in total.

          Did it rain?

          Had to drive through a wild thunderstorm just after the sandstorm. As mentioned I fell of the roof rack during the sandstorm then staked a tyre during the thunderstorm. Next morning I went for a walk chasing wildflowers and became lost for a while. Lots of thrills and spills packed into one 24 hour period. The moment you realise that you are lost is quite intimidating to put it mildly.

          Did you get a bit fed up with it after 1200kms?

          Nope, not at all. Always sad when reaching the end of any of the tracks.

          How good was Laverton when you finally got there and what did you crave first?

          Laverton is a lively metropolis of about 100 or less lots of action going on all over the place. Saw a dog (non-poodle) in the main street and nearly spoke to a local.

          Cravings? Bourban, then bacon, tomato and eggs brekky with toast...but mainly bourban. Ok, that doesn't sound too good so I'll elaborate. I arrived late afternoon..( but it may not have mattered at that stage)

          But first and foremost was a long hot shower in the caravan park! I was like a pig on a spit, just going 'round and 'round and 'round.
          Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


          • #6
            Maybe the local didn't want to meet you until after your shower

            Dogs don't care. (even poodles are partial to a bit of BO )

            I don't like the sound of being lost out there......

            Sounds like you badly miscalculated the amount of Bourbon needed to traverse that track. You'll be better prepared next time.

            D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

            Flickr Instagram


            • #7
              Very nice - good representations of the track. But not an easy track I understand.
              An Olympus E620 user


              • #8
                Cheers Terry.

                The eastern half is the worst by a long way. Mindboggling corrugations for hundreds of kms, starts to get better after about 800km. last couple of hundred kms is a walk in the park.
                Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


                • #9
                  Must have been an awesome journey. Thanks for taking us on a tour with your photos.
                  Cheers, Brad.


                  • #10
                    Thanks Ironwood. It was an inspiring journey on many levels.
                    Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


                    • #11
                      Character building I'm sure
                      Cheers, Brad.


                      • #12
                        Great photos Mick and a great story to boot!. Is the Laverton you mention the one in our mid west North of Kalgoorlie?
                        I Shoot A Canon

                        Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
                        I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
                        I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


                        • #13
                          Yes, that be the one Isac. Blink as you drive down the main street and you'll miss it.
                          Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


                          • #14
                            Another great series showing the track and I really like the leading line it provides between the silvery green trees. I like my own company but not sure I could be this isolated.


                            • #15
                              Cheers again Gabby, glad you enjoyed the series.
                              Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins

