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Includes seascape, panorama and travel photography

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  • Towards the Warrumbungles

    Still on the laptop sans photoshop. Would like some feedback as to what the colours are like in this. I move the laptop screen a mm forward, really dark, a mm back washed out - so no idea what it really looks like - oh to be able to bring the desktop with me.
    _DSC8885-Pano-2 by AusGabby, on Flickr

  • #2
    Sunsets and Dawns are difficult to comment on. The colours and light intensity vary so much.

    It looks better on your Flickr, (but it's still quite small). There is detail in the mountain layers - the colours are subtle and beautiful (looks like a few dust bunnies though?)

    When I'm processing on my laptop I try to only do it at night and find a known image, and then process new ones against it - processing by the graphs and sliders and warnings is also possible - but hardly enjoyable. But I do think it is possible to find the right angle for viewing the screen.

    As frustrating as it is to want to share some perfect stuff on-line, it may be best just to wait until you get home to do it properly if you want to make prints

    But I don't do that that either. I like to get the pics out there within a few days. So just go for it We are enjoying your travel photography.

    Looks like a great trip. Jealous

    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram


    • #3
      When I was on my trip I just converted from RAW to jpeg and posted with an attitude of 'close enough is good enough' in the end. If it looked ok on the camera lcd screen at time of capture then just have confidence that it'll be ok.

      So far all your images have looked fine to me from a tech viewpoint. Relax and enjoy the journey. If you post something that's way out of whack we'll let you know.

      I'm jealous that I'm sittin' at home viewing these and you're out there doin' it!

      Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


      • #4
        Wot he said. We are not looking for perfection - we just want to share your enjoyment/description of the experience.

        Processing can come later in the rainy season

        D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

        Flickr Instagram


        • #5
          I personally like the colors,the only comment is the white line between the hills and sky I always feather areas like that and still run the blurring tool over it Never been to that area Bill


          • #6
            Very dark on my IPS panel P Plates. I did a levels adjustment, sharpened and saturation and it came up a treat. Beautiful image indeed. There's a way around the lappy monitor problem. Have a Google and check out the USB portable laptop monitors. They go up to 17" and are very light to cart about.
            I Shoot A Canon

            Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
            I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
            I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


            • P Plates
              P Plates commented
              Editing a comment
              Would have been good to know about these before leaving home Isac - will have to check them out before our next trip. Certainly none would be available where we are travelling at present - maybe when we get to one of the bigger centres on the coast.

            • Isac
              Isac commented
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              Yeah P Plates, worth a look for togs who are out and about.

          • #7
            Thanks everyone - think I'll just leave most processing until I get home - too difficult to judge the result on this laptop.

