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  • Night photo

    The edge of an Aurora, the lights of Hobart and the moon.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	_L0A4658.2.jpg
Views:	66
Size:	217.9 KB
ID:	397598
    My Flickr Gallery

  • #2
    Good one Pete

    Good placement of the image here as the temptation [esp when I do it] is just to point the camera skywards - so the baseline image makes it all work out quite well

    [betcha you were shivering as the camera did its stuff ]

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at


    • #3
      Thanks Phil. Yes we were shivering as there was a stzrong breeze blowing across the water. The 20 second exposure has flattened out the water surface.
      Cheers, Pete
      My Flickr Gallery


      • #4
        Awesome colours and the bands of cloud really add to this as well. Great shot.


        • #5
          Beautifully done Pete

          D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

          Flickr Instagram


          • #6
            Beautiful mix of colours, something I guess I'll never see in the near future.

            What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
            CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.


            • #7
              Beautiful colour palette and a wonderful image overall, got a bit of everything!

              Well captured, thanks for sharing this Pete.
              Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


              • #8
                Thanks everyone for your kind words. This photo, I think, is almost OTT. But this is a style I have been getting into lately with the night photos, lots of colour. This shot was taken from the same place as Jenne's post of 2 shots. Just a couple of minutes drive from home at our local beach. Aren't we lucky!
                My Flickr Gallery


                • #9
                  Yes it could be seen by some as slighty OTT but I've been viewing a lot of wide sky nightscapes of late and the night sky can be green, yellow, red or blue, just depends where you are and the atmospheric conditions. The colours are real but generally invisible to the human eye, I'm all in favour of bringing out those colours with pp.

                  No different really to leaving a colour cast in a landscape or bird image when it suits. The human eye can't see the cast but the camera does and if we 'correct' the cast everytime then imho we miss some of the glorious colours of the 'real' world.

                  For me it's one of the great joys of photography because after a while you come to recognize that the casts are there when out in the field even though only in a very muted form to our eyes. Fills me with a sense of awe and wonder. Another good reason to shoot raw imho.

                  Show the world as it really is, not just how our inefficient eyes perceive it to be. Evolution has not given us much in the way of night vision as we don't really need much to survive.

                  Photography is after all, primarily about the light... is to me anyway.

                  Obvious exceptions to that but I find myself thinking far more about the light than subject matter most of the time.
                  Last edited by loose cannon; 20-11-2014, 07:54 PM.
                  Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


                  • #10
                    Wise words indeed Mick!

                    The camera is indeed capturing what the eye cannot see with night photos Collecting light in camera via long exposures/high ISO, is a rich area for exploration.

                    And yes, as the eye doesn't see all this, it's all open for our own interpretation, our artistic statement.

                    Cheers, Pete
                    My Flickr Gallery

