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  • Part 2 of flat tyre house

    It took me awhile to get back after some good much needed rain but had to wait for a couple of day's for it to dry. However by the looks of things the property owner took advance of what I was avoiding and has started to turn over the ground. This is good as it means he can now plow it maybe things are looking up for him he feels he can get this ground ready for hopefully a crop. ( my guess) Anyway I could not get back inside the house I am not the most stable of people and with my heavy tri-pod and gear in toe I had vision of me doing a cropper myself did not fancy that for 2 rooms left over ( lesson learned ) But I did get to the gear I could see at the back and was able to get the other side and the back of the house I did not do first time around. I barley got started on house #2 I was knackered and in to much pain and had already pushed myself a little too hard however here is part 2 and the last of this house I considered completed

    And as always I do have the photos in Black and white and colour in my Flickr if you want to see them

    walking or even trying to walk over the top of this was not going to happen

    73 by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr

    74c by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr

    They were all called Betsy weren't they

    76c1 by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr

    I don't take photos with processing in mind, However a few Topaz filters I have been wanting to try was Dusk,Dark night and dark and ghostly never found the right subject, But when I seen the back of the house like this I thought I would give it a try to see how Dusk dark night or dark and ghostly would suit. For me I do like it and it wont be every ones taste but wanted to share as I don't often go beyond normally processing

    78 by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr

    and just so you can see this is just my normal processing

    sorry if its too many photos. I do hope you enjoy them. Thinking I might get out again Tomorrow Sunday for house 2 as they ares saying more rain coming don't want to risk not getting to the 2nd house at if they decide to do the same up there as well.

    78N by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr
    All Experts at anything were once beginners

    MWAH Sandy

  • #2
    Love 'em all Sandy. That Dark filter PP is really spot on, I think it suits the image - it's got that eerie look to it which is what you were after, so well done.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • Nikkie
      Nikkie commented
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      Thank you Isac that is the feeling I got when I turned and seen it sitting neatly between the 2 trees cactus wire and rusted junk sent a shiver down my spine, which was the complete opposite feeling I got from the rest of the house even after walking around it and inside this one view and one view only gave me that feeling so thought this is the right subject for the style PP

  • #3
    #1 looks so neat and tidy with that ploughed field in the foreground and you have to look closely at the house to see the deterioration. I too like the dark and moody processing of the rear shot and think it suits the image. Don't think I'd want to wander close to those cars in summer, looks like a perfect place to find snakes. Good set of shots Sandy.


    • Nikkie
      Nikkie commented
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      Thank you PP for your comments its always appreciated. And yes those cars and many of my subjects are good havens for snakes but keeping that in mind and keeping my eyes peeled is a good habit of mine humans do not look like something that snakes have on there menu and in most case's will only strike if they feel they are the one's under attack I have even read that we don't even smell nice to snake's and are seen as too large to eat. Most victims of snake bite has come about because the snake felt it was under attack or stepped on.

  • #4
    Great set Sandy, The old Holdens rusting away, and the treatment of the house .. all look good to me!

