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Includes seascape, panorama and travel photography

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  • Fishermen, faces and waves.

    Wondered down hoping to get some surfing action in the afternoon light. Stayed until sunset but no surfers appeared.
    halls head beach waterdrops by JoMacca, on Flickr

    halls head beach waterdrops by JoMacca, on Flickr

    If it wasn't for the face in the waves I would have binned this one.
    Can you see the face on the front wave? by JoMacca, on Flickr

    halls head beach waterdrops by JoMacca, on Flickr
    Haven't been there, not done that.

  • #2
    Beaut set Jo.

    Lovely light and low viewpoint. Long lens really 'pulls' it together.

    And what amazing waves caught at just the right moment!


    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      Thank you Alan, the 2.8 300mm lens is a joy to use.

  • #3
    Yes...I can see the face Great set Jo, your 2nd shot really grabs me with the lone fisherman and the colour on top of the waves...Brilliant!

    What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
    CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      Thanks Gaz, have to credit nature for that light..but I was there to record it!

  • #4
    Beaut set Jo!


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      Appreciate the kind workds Greg. Thanks.

  • #5
    +1 for Gaz's comment about #2. A lovely set of photos Jo, those waves are spectacular, great colour, shape and texture.


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      Thank you PP, they sure were lovely waves and sweet light.

  • #6
    I see the face wow what is it with face's, I did some smoke photography a good while back and captured what looked like a profile of a women's face. Not long ago I seen a photo of a fire there in the flames was a women's face and now this wow she is a keeper. The colour on top of the wave also great stuff. I love the whole set Jo great job
    All Experts at anything were once beginners

    MWAH Sandy

