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Includes seascape, panorama and travel photography

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  • Thank goodness for our farmers

    They grow the wool that keeps us warm in the clothing that we wear, The food on our plate,the grain and milk for our cereal and bread and so many many other products.

    This is a site I love to come across moving of the stock from one paddock to the next paddock. Driving though a couple hundred head these photos don't do the real site justice as there were many many more you just can't see them all but I hope next time you put that jumper on put butter on your bread slice up that meat you give the farmer a oi on ya mate. The sounds I was hearing and the sites I was seeing were true blue fair dinkum Aussie IMO

    From the Burs baa and bleeps to the dust off the road kicking up as they ran down the road some would stop at the fence line and have a yarn with other sheep in paddocks.Some of the young ones tried to suck from there mum but did not succeed as they had to keep moving. There was a farmer on the road in his ute and there was one in the paddocks on his bike I did not see a dog but somehow after I drove though them I could see where they were heading to another paddock and open gate they just all seemed to know where they were going how ever I did not know where I was going as I just think as I am driving mmm what is down there so if I can I follow it to see where it takes me if I can.

    Most of these shots were taking one handed as the other hand was on the steering wheel and using the other eye open on the sheep some were taking from my side car windows so not easy driving and shooting at the same time

    45c by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr

    45 by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr

    44 by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr

    50 by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr

    51 by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr

    The last one was just as they were heading off the road into there new paddock where I am sure the lambs could now get there feed as well.

    53 by Sandy De Jong, on Flickr
    All Experts at anything were once beginners

    MWAH Sandy

  • #2
    Lovely series Sandy. It's nice to get out and about in our great Aussie bush.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • Nikkie
      Nikkie commented
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      Yes it is I just love going for my drives and taking in the views never get sick of seeing it all and never know what is just over the rise or around the next bend thank you Isac for looking and commenting

  • #3
    Nice Aussie feel to this series, Sandy. You did well to drive and take photos - Ian would be proud of you

    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram


    • Nikkie
      Nikkie commented
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      Alan. Gee I am sure he would be how ever snails pace and a car not quiet the same a a big road train and much faster speeds but I did have the sheep and the little lambs to think of so careful not to run them down ( farmer would not be happy )

  • #4
    That low shot of the sheep coming towards you is a good one.. they all look pretty non plussed. I like the B&W version of the first as well.

    That little fellow looking back on the left is very cute!


    • Nikkie
      Nikkie commented
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      Thank you so much. I finally managed to drive though them and then seeing where they were heading to the open gate of there new paddock so I was now able to stop the car and get out and take some photos while others were just running right for the gate these ones decided to stop and check me out most likely thinking what is that lady up to I got this snap when suddenly they just started to run again following the other sheep into the paddock. Thank you for your comments yes the baby ones are so cute some were trying to feed from mother but mother was not slowing down for them not on your life they had something they had to do I guess

  • #5
    A sight very familiar to me, and brings back so many memories. I particularly like the first one with the road vanishing into the distance, the dust, and the browns contrasting with the beautiful yellows and greens.


    • Nikkie
      Nikkie commented
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      Your the 2nd person that said that my photo helped bring back memories so I have done my job if that is the case and thank you so much for your comments

  • #6
    Good series Sandy. I too like #1 especially the little lamb looking back at you.


    • Nikkie
      Nikkie commented
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      thank you PP yes he is cute standing off to the side like that wanted to see what the blazers was I doing there it was the highlight of my day I must admit