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Includes seascape, panorama and travel photography

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  • Glow in the Dark

    Not sure if Landscape is the best place to post this?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	_MG_7644.jpg
Views:	46
Size:	441.8 KB
ID:	377929

    What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
    CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.

  • #2
    Interesting. I like the composition with the curves of the paths and brick walls and like the way the totem looks but would have preferred more detail/texture in the low brick walls.


    • #3
      Thanks Gabby, I totally agree that the brick wall needs something..."I did try" so this morning I went down and shot it again, will re-post if I can get it to work.


      Edit: I've been playing with the "Lighting Effects" filter in CS6 to try and achieve some thing different
      Last edited by Gaz; 24-04-2014, 07:39 AM.

      What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
      CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.

