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  • Seoul street food

    Exploring and trying Seoul street food in one of the more affluent tourist areas.

    1. Silkworm pupae vendor. These are ok but dont Smell good while cooking.
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ID:	510885

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ID:	510884

    3. Deboned chicken claws. Tasty but with lumps of gristle
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ID:	510887

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ID:	510888

    5. Grilled whole squid. He wasn’t getting many customers
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Views:	23
Size:	173.7 KB
ID:	510886

    Alan W

    My Gallery

  • #2
    You're a braver man that me Alan, I had street food in Taipei 40 years ago and I still get a tad squeamish thinking about it.

    Greta set of images showing the local vendors plying their trade.
    My Gear


    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      Thanks John. This area is relatively safe, according to my son who has lived here for twenty years.

      We also had some traditional foods prepared by my son's mother-in-law that was interesting. I might post them later.

      I wouldn't risk some of the traditional market areas or the old lady on the footpath with a tiny stove in front of her.

    • Grumpy John
      Grumpy John commented
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      I must admit that I had been drinking a fair bit of the local wine and wasn't really paying much attention into what I was putting into my mouth. That's a pretty brave/foolish thing to do when you have a peanut allergy and don't carry an epipen.

    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      Talk about living dangerously.

      Actually we all got sick here on our last visit some years ago, and blamed the street food. Doctor suspected norovirus, then we found out my son's MIL had been sick shortly before preparing food for us, so probably not the street food after all

  • #3
    That's an interesting set of photos and street food. I was wondering what was left to eat on a deboned chicken claw....


    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      Not much,, but tasty enough with some in chewable lumps.

      The food is generally great, but with some things we wouldn't normally eat.